Stamps of Turks & Caicos Islands, 7 Dec 1992

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1992, Dec 7 Christmas 1992 issue - Religious Paintings 1992 b wmk. mult crown & script CA p. 13.75 (8 stamps)
- 8c multi "Nativity" - detail, Simon Bening
- 15c multi "Circumcision" - detail, Simon Bening
- 35c multi "Flight to Egypt" - detail, Simon Bening
- 50c multi "Massacre of the Innocents" - detail, Si
- 65c multi "The Annunciation" - Dieric Bouts
- 80c multi "The Visitation" - Bouts
- $1.10 multi "Adoration of the Angels" - Bouts
- $1.25 multi "Adoration of the Wise Men" - Bouts

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