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1960, Jan 6
1960 issue unwmk (no perf info) (11 stamps)

1960, Apr 17
World Refugee Year issue

1960, Apr 27
proclamation of state 12th issue -
flowers (1960 Israel)

1960, Jul 6 wmk.
multiple stag
1960, Aug 31
New Year 5721 issue

1960, Aug 31
100th Anniversary of Theodor Herzl issue wmk.
multiple stag
1960, Oct 9
TAVIV 1960 issue unwmk
1960, Dec 14
25th Zionist Congress issue
1960, Dec 14
Henrietta Szold 100th issue
1960, Feb 24
1960 air issue wmk.
multiple stag (9 stamps)

1 to 32 of 32