Stamps of British Indian Ocean Territory, 1 Feb 1999

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1999, Feb 1 1999 issue - sailing ships (1999 British Indian Ocean Territory) wmk. crown & CA spiral (no perf info) (10 stamps)
- 2p multi Westminster .20
- 15p multi Sao Cristovao
- 20p multi Sea Witch
- 26p multi Royal George
- 34p multi Cutty Sark
- 60p multi Mentor
- 80p multi Trinculo
- multi Enterprise
- 1.15£ multi ship/privateer Confiance
- 2.00£ multi Kent

1999, Feb 1 AUSTRALIA '99 issue wmk. crown & script CA spiral
- 60p multi Cutty Sark
- 60p multi Thermopylae

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