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Stamps of Gibraltar, 2014

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2014, Jan 30 Year of the Horse 2014 issue unwmk (no perf info)
- 50p multi Year of the horse
- multi Year of the horse

2014, Jan 31 2014 issue Queen Elizabeth II (16 stamps)
- G turqbl Queen Elizabeth II
- 2p ltchnt Queen Elizabeth II
- 4p mar Queen Elizabeth II
- 6p vio Queen Elizabeth II
- 8p grayblk Queen Elizabeth II
- 10p blgrn Queen Elizabeth II
- 14p carred Queen Elizabeth II
- 20p brnzgrn Queen Elizabeth II
- 28p dpredvio Queen Elizabeth II
- 40p sep Queen Elizabeth II
- 50p turqgrn Queen Elizabeth II
- 54p rose Queen Elizabeth II
- 64p Queen Elizabeth II
- 70p Queen Elizabeth II
- emer Queen Elizabeth II
- 2.50£ dpmag Queen Elizabeth II

2014, Feb 19 Centenary of World War I (1st series) issue (6 stamps)
- 12p multi Your Country Needs You
- 40p multi Joining Up
- 50p multi Leaving Family
- 64p multi Kit
- 68p multi Training
- multi Embarkation

2014, Mar 20 Old Gibraltar Views IV issue
- 12p multi Waterport Wharf

2014, Mar 20 Old Gibraltar Views IV b issue
- 12p multi

2014, Mar 20 Old Gibraltar Views IV issue
- 40p multi Ellotts Monument

2014, Mar 20 Old Gibraltar Views IV b issue
- 40p multi

2014, Mar 20 Old Gibraltar Views IV issue
- 50p multi Town Area

2014, Mar 20 Old Gibraltar Views IV b issue
- 50p multi

2014, Mar 20 Old Gibraltar Views IV issue
- 64p multi Sandpits
- 70p multi Alameda Gardens

2014, Mar 20 Old Gibraltar Views IV b issue
- 1.00£ multi

2014, Mar 20 50th Anniversary of the Red Arrows issue (5 stamps)
- 50p multi
- 54p multi
- 64p multi
- 70p multi
- multi

2014, May 2 Europa 2014 issue
- 50p multi
- multi

2014, May 2 Dolphins 2014 issue
- 68p multi common dolphin Delphinus delphis
- 84p multi striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba
- 2.50£ multi Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncata

2014, Jun 2 450th Birth Anniv. of William Shakespeare issue (5 stamps)
- 12p multi Whats done Cannot be undone
- 40p multi To be or not to be that is the question
- 64p multi Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind
- multi O Romeo Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo
- multi

2014, Jul 15 Endemic Flowers issue
- 10p multi Gibraltar saxifraga
- 12p multi Gibraltar Restharrow
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