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2016, Apr 20
Mushrooms 2016 issue unwmk (no perf info) (5 stamps)

2016, Apr 20
250th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Wilson issue (5 stamps)
2016, Apr 20
100th Anniversary of the Battle of Jutland issue (5 stamps)
2016, Apr 20
World War II - The Battle of Moscow issue (5 stamps)
2016, Apr 20
100th Anniversary of BMW issue (5 stamps)
2016, Apr 20
90th Anniversary of the Death of Claude Monet issue (5 stamps)
2016, Apr 20
40th Anniversary of the First Commercial Flight of Concorde issue (5 stamps)
2016, Apr 20
90th Anniversary of the Birth of Alfredo di Stefano issue (5 stamps)
2016, Apr 20
50th Anniversary of the Death of Walt Disney issue (5 stamps)
2016, Apr 20
5th Anniversary of the Death of Elizabeth Taylor issue (5 stamps)
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