Stamps of Hungary, 29 Apr 1981

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1981, Apr 29 unwmk (no perf info)
- 2Ft multi Belling Stag

1981, Apr 29 historic flags of Hungary issue - historic flags of Hungary (6 stamps)
- 40f multi Flag of the House of Árpád 11th century, p. 12
- 60f multi Flag of the Hunyadi family 15th century, p. 12
- 1ft multi Flag of Gábor Bethlen 1600, p. 12
- 2Ft multi Flag of Ferenc Rákóczi II1716
- 4Ft multi Honvéd Flag, p. 12
- 6Ft multi Troop flag 1919, p. 12

1981, Apr 29 Telephone exchange system centenary issue (no perf info)
- 2Ft multi

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