Stamps of Grenada - Grenada Grenadines, 30 Apr 1992

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1992, Apr 30 Granada '92 issue unwmk p. 13x13.25 (8 stamps)
No image Colnect-4..baran.jpgNo image Colnect-4..ereda.jpgNo image Colnect-4..vedra.jpgNo image Colnect-4..llano.jpgNo image Colnect-5..tails.jpg
- 10c multi "The Surrender of Seville" - Zurbaran
- 35c multi "The Liberation of St. Peter by an Angel
- 50c multi "Joseph explains the Dreams of the Phara
- 75c multi "The Flower Vase" - Juan de Arellano
- $1 multi "The Duke of Pastrana" - Juan Carreno de
- $2 multi "The Annunciation" - detail, Francisco R
- $4 multi "The Annunciation" - different detail, F
- $5 multi "Old Women Seated" - attr Antonio Puga

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