Stamps of Monaco, 20 May 1946

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1946, May 20 1946 air a issue unwmk (no perf info)
- 50F dkgrnbl Prince Louis II 1870-1949
- 100F red Prince Louis II 1870-1949

1946, May 20 1946 air b issue
- 40F red Douglas DC-3 & arms of Monaco
- 50F brnred Douglas DC-3 & arms of Monaco
- 100F blgrn Douglas DC-3 & arms of Monaco
- 200F lil & vio Douglas DC-3 & arms of Monaco

postage due

1946, May 20 1946 due issue (10 stamps)
- 10c blkbrn .20 .20
- 30c dkvio .20 .20
- 50c bl .20 .20
- 1F grn .20 .20
- 2F yelbrn .20 .20
- 3fr
- 4F red
- 5F blkbrn
- 10F bl
- 20F blgrn

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