Stamps of San Marino, 4 Jun 2011

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2011, Jun 4 World Theatre Day issue unwmk (no perf info) (6 stamps)
- 0,85 multi
- 0,85 multi
- 0,85 multi
- 0,85 multi
- 0,85 multi
- 0,85 multi

2011, Jun 4 150th Anniversary of the Bestowal of Honorary Citizenship on Giuseppe Garibaldi issue
- 1.50€ multi Guaita, Anita Garibaldi, Giuseppe Garibaldi

2011, Jun 4 Brescia Calcio 100th issue
- 1.00€ multi

2011, Jun 4 His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI's Pastoral Visit to the Republic of San Marino issue
- 1.00€ multi

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