Stamps of Guatemala, 4 Jul 1976

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1976, Jul 4 200th Anniversary of American Revolution issue unwmk (no perf info) (22 stamps)
- 0.01q multi .20
- 0.02q multi Boston tea party .20 .20
- 0.03q multi Thomas Jefferson .20 .20
- 0.04q multi .20
- 0.05q multi Warren´s death at Bunker hill .20 .20
- 0.10q multi Washington at Valley Forge .20
- 0.20q multi .20
- 0.20q multi
- 0.25q multi Generals at Yorktown
- 0.30q multi Washington crossing Delaware
- 0.35q multi quetzal Eagle Head Liberty Bell Lake Atitlan
- 0.40q multi
- 0.45q multi Patrick Henry
- 0.50q multi Congress Voting Independence
- 1.00q multi George Washington
- 1.00q multi
- 2.00q multi Abraham Lincoln
- 2.00q multi
- 3.00q multi Benjamin Franklin
- 3.00q multi
- 5.00q multi John F. Kennedy
- 5.00q multi

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