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2016, Apr 20
90th Anniversary of the Birth of Marilyn Monroe issue unwmk (no perf info) (5 stamps)
2016, Sep 20
John Paul II 2016 issue (6 stamps)

2016, Sep 20
100th Anniversary of the Death of Ilya Ilitch Metchnikov issue (5 stamps)
2016, Sep 20
160th Anniversary of the Birth of Nikola Tesla issue (5 stamps)
2016, Sep 20
85th Anniversary of the Death of Thomas Edison issue (5 stamps)
2016, Sep 20
125th Anniversary of the Birth of Sergei Prokofiev issue (5 stamps)
2016, Sep 20
50th Anniversary of the Launch of Gemini 8 issue (5 stamps)
2016, Sep 20
1st Birthday of Princess Charlotte of Wales issue (5 stamps)
2016, Sep 20
Elvis Presley 2016 issue (5 stamps)
2016, Sep 20
Nelson Mandela 2016 issue
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