Stamps of Tanzania, 23 Sep 1996

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1996, Sep 23 Tropical Fish 1996 issue - tropical fishes (1996) unwmk (no perf info) (15 stamps)
- 100sh multi Anampses meleagrides
- 150sh multi Cephalopholis miniata
- 200sh multi Apogon aureus
- 200sh multi Chaetodon xanthocephalus
- 200sh multi Heniochus acuminatus
- 200sh multi Chaetodon zanzibarensis
- 200sh multi Pomacentris sulfureus
- 200sh multi Casio teres
- 200sh multi Nemateleotris magnifica
- 200sh multi Nemanthias carberryi
- 200sh multi Pseudochromis dutoiti
- 250sh multi Hemigymnus fasciatus
- 500sh multi Scarus sordidus
- 1000sh multi Cantropygne acanthops
- 1000sh multi Chromis viridis

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