Stamps of Israel, 15is denom

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1984, Mar 15 sculptures (1984) unwmk (no perf info)
No image Colnect-2..nikov.jpgNo image Colnect-2..Polus.jpgNo image Colnect-2..rloff.jpg
- 15is multi Alexander Zaid Monument (David Polus)
- 15is multi Tel Hay Memorial
- 15is multi Dov Gruner Monument (Chana Orloff)

1984, Mar 15 4th Anniversary of the Death of Yigal Allon issue - Personalities (1984 Israel)
No image Colnect-2..-1980.jpg
- 15is multi

1984, Sep 4 Jewish New Year 1984 issue - Women in the Bible
No image Colnect-2..annah.jpg
- 15is multi Hannah + tab

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