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1986, Nov 19
9th Anniversary of the Death of Elvis Presley issue unwmk (no perf info)
1987, Aug 16
10th Anniversary of the Death of Elvis Presley issue
1999, Jun 11
Fungi from around the World issue -
Fungi from around the World
1999, Jul 9
Cats 1999 issue Felis domesticus (8 stamps)
2000, Jan 24
Butterflies from Around the World issue -
Butterflies (2000 Central Africa)
2000, Jan 25
Locomotives from Around the World 2000 issue -
locomotives from around the World (2000 Central Africa)
2000, Feb 25
Birds 2000 issue -
birds (2000 Central Africa) (9 stamps)
2000, Feb 28
Aviation History issue
2000, Apr 10
History of Chess issue
2000, Apr 10
Olympics 2000 issue
2000, Apr 10
Cosmonauts and Astronauts issue (9 stamps)
2000, Sep 8
125th Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union issue
2000, Sep 28
Events and Personalities of the 20th Century issue
2001, May 28
Cats 2001 issue -
cats (2001 Central Africa) Felis domesticus (5 stamps)
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