Stamps, Green overprint design

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postage due

1911 1911 due issue unwmk (no perf info)
- 40a car & blk Green overprint

1914 1914 due issue
- 40a car & blk Green overprint

Equatorial Guinea


1972 Apollo 15 z issue
- 250+50p multi Green overprint

1972, Dec 19 1972 overprints issue
- 200+25p multi Green overprint



1993, Sep 28 50th Anniversary of the Death of Robert Baden-Powell issue
- 1500fr multi Green overprint

1993, Sep 28 130th Anniversary of the Founding of the Red Cross issue
- 550fr multi Green overprint

St. Thomas & Prince Islands

postage due

1911 1911 due issue p. 11.5x12
- 200r rose & blk Green overprint

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