Postage stamps of St. Helena

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1856, Jan wmk. star imperf
- 6p bl Queen Victoria Sc1

1861 p. 14-15.5clean
- 6p bl Queen Victoria

1863, Jan p. 14-15.5rough
- 6p bl Queen Victoria

1863, Jul ovpted (no wmk info) (no perf info)
- 1p brnred on 6p-brnred-unissued (0)
- 1p brnred on 6p-brnred-unissued (0)
- 4p car on 6p-car-unissued (0)

1873 wmk. crown & CC p. 12.5
- 6p bl Queen Victoria

X 6p ultra Queen Victoria

1879 p. 14x12.5
- 6p graybl Queen Victoria

1884 1884 issue ovpted (no wmk info) (no perf info) (8 stamps)
- 1/2p grn on 6p-grn-unissued (0)
X 1p red on 6p-red-unissued (0) (1887)
- 2p yel on 6p-yel-unissued (0) (1894)
- 2 1/2p ultra on 6p-ultra-unissued (0) (1893)
- 3p vio on 6p-vio-unissued (0) (1887)
- 4p brn on 6p-brn-unissued (0) (1890)
- 6p gray on 6p-gray-unissued (0) (1888)
- 1sh yelgrn on 6p-yelgrn-unissued (0) (1894)

1889 wmk. crown & CA p. 14
- 6p graybl Queen Victoria

1890 1890 issue Queen Victoria (no perf info) (7 stamps)
- 1/2p grn Queen Victoria (1897)
- 1p rose Queen Victoria (1896)
- 1 1/2p redbrn & grn Queen Victoria
X 2p yel Queen Victoria (1896)
- 2 1/2p ultra Queen Victoria (1896)
- 5p vio Queen Victoria (1896)
- 10p brn Queen Victoria (1896)

- 1/2p grn King Edward VII
- 1p carrose King Edward VII

1903, Jun 1903 issue wmk. crown & CC (6 stamps)
- 1/2p grn & brn Government House (St. Helena) & King Edward VII
- 1p car & blk The Wharf & King Edward VII
- 2p olgrn & blk Government House (St. Helena) & King Edward VII
- 8p brn & blk The Wharf & King Edward VII
- 1sh och & brn Government House (St. Helena) & King Edward VII
- 2sh vio & blk The Wharf & King Edward VII

1908, May 1908 issue
- 2 1/2p ultra King Edward VII, w. mult crown & CA
- 4p blk & red, yel King Edward VII, w. mult crown & CA
- 6p dlvio & redvio King Edward VII, w. mult crown & CA
- 10sh grn & red King Edward VII, w. crown & CA

1912 1912 issue wmk. mult crown & CA (10 stamps)
- 1/2p grn & blk Government House (St. Helena) & King George V
- 1p car & blk The Wharf & King George V
- 1 1/2p och & blk The Wharf & King George V
- 2p gray & blk Government House (St. Helena) & King George V
- 2 1/2p ultra & blk The Wharf & King George V
- 3p vio & blk Government House (St. Helena) & King George V
- 8p vio & blk The Wharf & King George V
- 1sh blk Government House (St. Helena) & King George V
- 2sh ultra & blk The Wharf & King George V
- 3sh vio & blk The Wharf & King George V

1922, Jan 1922a issue wmk. mult crown & script CA
- 1p grn The Wharf & King George V
- 1 1/2p red The Wharf & King George V
- 3p ultra Government House (St. Helena) & King George V
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