Postage stamps of Vietnam

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1980, Feb 3 Vietnam Communist Party 50th issue unwmk p. 11 (5 stamps)
X 12xu multi Ho Chi Minh proclaiming independence 1945
X 12xu multi
X 20xu multi
X 20xu multi
- 2d multi

1980, Apr 22 Lenin 110th issue p. 11.75
X 6xu dkgrn & orgyel Vladimir Lenin
X 12xu brnvio & orgyel Vladimir Lenin
X 1d bl & orgyel Vladimir Lenin

1980, May 1 Olympics 1980 issue (8 stamps)
- 12xu multi hurdling
X 12xu multi running, p. 12x12.25
X 20xu multi basketball, p. 12x12.25
- 30xu multi soccer, p. 12x12.25
- 40xu multi wrestling
- 50xu multi vaulting horse
- 60xu multi swimming
- 1d multi yachting

1980, May 19 Ho Chi Minh 90th issue
X 12xu multi in 1924, p. 10.75
X 40xu multi as president

1980, Jun 15 International Children's Day issue p. 11
X 5xu multi Children dance around Globe

1980, Jul 24 Intercosmos 80 issue (no perf info) (7 stamps)
- 12xu multi the Soyuz 37 crew on the gantry
- 12xu multi Soyuz 37 launch
- 20xu multi Soyuz 37 spacecraft
X 40xu multi Soyuz docked with Salyut
- 1d multi Soyuz 37 leaves orbit
- 2d multi The Soyuz 37 descent module returns on parachutes
- 3d multi sheet

1980, Aug 1 saltwater fishes (1980) (8 stamps)
X 12xu multi Rhincodon typus
- 12xu multi Galeocerdo cuvier
- 20xu multi Orectolobus japonicus
X 30xu multi Heterodontus zebra
- 40xu multi Dasyatis uarnak
- 50xu multi Pristis microdon
- 60xu multi Sphyrna lewini
- 1d multi Myliobatis tobijei

1980, Aug 15 Post Office 35th issue p. 12.5
- 12xu multi
- 20xu multi
- 50xu multi
- 1d multi

1980, Aug 25 roses (1980 Vietnam)
X 12xu graygrn & multi pink, p. 11
X 12xu dpgrn & multi pink&red

1980, Aug 25 National Telecommunications Day issue
X 12xu multi switchboard operator, p. 11
X 12xu multi train&map

1980, Sep 2 Republic of Vietnam 35th issue
X 12xu multi arms
- 12xu multi Ho Chi Minh, p. 12.5
X 40xu multi Pac Bo Cave
- 1d multi

1980, Sep 20 national emblems p. 12
X 6xu multi arms
X 12xu multi anthem
X 12xu multi flag of Vietnam

1980, Oct 6 Nguyen Trai 600th issue p. 11
X 12xu yel & blk portrait
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