Semipostal stamps of Cameroun

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1938 Curie issue unwmk p. 13
- 1.75fr+50c ultra Pierre & Marie Curie

1939, Jul 5 French Revolution 150th issue storming of the Bastille p. 13.5x13 (5 stamps)
- 45+25c grn & blk storming of the Bastille
- 70+30c redbrn & blk storming of the Bastille
- 90+35c redorg & blk storming of the Bastille
- 1.25+1fr car & blk storming of the Bastille
- 2.25+2fr bl & blk storming of the Bastille

1940 Spitfire Fund Valmy issue (no perf info) (5 stamps)
- 1.25fr+100fr ultra & olbrn ++on=1.25fr
- 1.25fr+100fr carred ++on=1.25fr
- 1.25fr+100fr dkredvio ++on=1.25fr
- 1.50fr+100fr brn ++on=1.50fr
- 2.25fr+100fr ultra ++on=2.25fr

1940, Oct 21 War Relief Fund issue
- 1.25fr+2fr ultra & olbrn ++on=1.25fr
- 1.75fr+3fr orgred & brn ++on=1.75fr
- 2fr+5fr redorg & olgrn ++on=2fr

1940, Nov 28 Spitfire Fund issue
- 25c+5fr dkbrn ++on=25c, w. unwmk
- 45c+5fr on 45c (9)
- 60c+5fr on 60c (6)
- 70c+5fr on 70c (3)

1941 Defense of the Empire issue unwmk
- 1+1fr red
- 1.50+1fr pur
- 2.50+3fr bl

1941, Feb 25 Spitfire Fund de Gaulle issue
- 1.25fr+10fr dkredvio ++on=1.25fr
- 2.25fr+10fr ultra ++on=2.25fr

1941, Jun 3 Laquintinie Hospital Fund issue
- 1.25fr+10fr dkredvio ++on=1.25fr
- 2.25fr+10fr ultra ++on=2.25fr

1944 Colonial Development Fund issue
- 50c+1.50fr bl
- 1fr+2.50fr grn ++on=1fr

1944, Dec 1 Red Cross 1944 issue
- 5+20fr rose

1950, May 15 Colonial Welfare Fund issue
- 10+2fr blgrn & grn

1961, Mar 25 Red Cross issue p. 13
X 20+5fr multi
X 25+10fr multi
X 30+15fr multi

1962, Jan 28 Leprosy Day issue
- 20fr+5fr multi
- 25fr+10fr multi
- 50fr+15fr multi

1962, Apr 7 Anti-malaria campaign issue p. 12.5
- 25+5fr graypur

1963, Mar 21 Freedom from Hunger issue (no perf info)
- 18+5fr
- 25+5fr orgbrn & dkblgrn

1991, Apr 30 Sovereign Military Order of Malta Child Survival Project issue
- 125+10fr multi Ourebia ourebi
- 250+20fr multi Kobus defassa

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