Stamps of Vatican City, POSTE VATICANE inscription

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1980, Nov 18 700th Anniversary of the Death of Saint Albert the Great issue unwmk (no perf info)
- 300l St Albert the Great traveling
X 400 multi St Albert the Great

1990, Apr 5 St Angela Merici death 450th issue
- 700 multi
- 800 multi
- 2800 multi

1990, Jun 5 Caritas 50th issue p. 11.75
- 450 multi
- 650 multi
- 800 multi
- 2000l multi

1990, Jun 5 St Willibrord mission 1300th issue (no perf info)
- 300l multi
- 700 multi
- 3000 multi

1990, Oct 2 Peking-Nanking Diocese 300th issue p. 13.25x14
- 500l multi
- 750 multi
- 1500l multi
- 2000l multi

1990, Nov 27 Christmas 1990 issue (no perf info) (5 stamps)
- 50l choir of angels .20
- 200l
- 650
- 750
- 2500l

parcel post

1931 1931 parcel a issue ovpted p. 14 (13 stamps)
X 5c dkbrn & pnk ovpt, papal arms
X 10c dkgrn & ltgrn ovpt, papal arms
- 20c vio & lil ovpt, papal arms
- 25c dkbl & ltbl ovpt, papal arms
- 30c blk & yel ovpt, papal arms
- 50c ind & salbuff ovpt, papal arms
X 75c carlake & gray ovpt, papal arms
- 80c carrose ovpt, Pope Pius XI
- 1.25l dpbl ovpt, Pope Pius XI
- 2l olbrn ovpt, Pope Pius XI
- 2.50l redorg ovpt, Pope Pius XI
- 5l dkgrn ovpt, Pope Pius XI
- 10l olblk ovpt, Pope Pius XI

1931 1931 parcel b issue ovpted - Horizontal format photo print
- 2l carrose ovpt, Pope Pius XI
- 2.50l dkbl ovpt, Pope Pius XI

postage due

1931 1931 due issue ovpted (5 stamps)
X 10c dkgrn & ltgrn ovpt, papal arms
- 20c vio & lil ovpt, papal arms
X 40c on 30c blk & yel papal arms
X 60c on 2l olbrn Pope Pius XI
X 1.10l on 2.50l redorg Pope Pius XI

special delivery

1929, Aug 1 1929 espresso issue - Horizontal format photo print
- 2l carrose Pope Pius XI
- 2.50l dkbl Pope Pius XI
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