Stamps, 11 issue sortpos

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3351 to 3374 of 3374

Vatican City


1950, Sep 12 Palatine Guard 100th issue wmk. winged wheel (no perf info)
X 35l grn Parade of the Palatine Guard
- 55l redbrn Parade of the Palatine Guard

North Macedonia

2006, Jun 28 150th Anniversary of the birth of Nikola Tesla issue unwmk
- 24 multi

Czech Republic

2010, Feb 10 Winter Paralympic Games 2010 issue
- 18k multi

North Korea

2000, Feb 10 Animals of the World - Owls issue p. 13.25
- 2w multi Athene noctua
- 2w multi Strix uralensis
- 2w multi Bubo virginianus
- 2w multi Nyctea scandiaca

Mahra State

1967 Rockets and spacecraft b issue imperf (9 stamps)
- 10f multi Gemini spacecraft and astronaut
- 15f multi Mercury capsule entering the atmosphere
- 25f multi Saturn V rocket
- 50f multi Apollo Lunar Module
- 75f multi Rocket and Apollo capsule
- 100f multi Apollo Lunar Module
- 150f multi Apollo capsule landing
- 250f multi rocket
- 500f multi Apollo capsule

1968 Painting by Diego Velázquez b issue (no wmk info) (7 stamps)
- 10f multi Spinners
- 15f multi The water carrier
- 25f multi Queen Mariana
- 50f multi The triumph of Bacchus
- 75f multi Old woman cooking eggs
- 100f multi The Infant Margarita
- 150f multi The Infant Margarita Maria
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3351 to 3374 of 3374