Stamps of Allenstein, PLEBISCITE//OLSZTYN//ALLENSTEIN overprint

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1920 1920a issue ovpted on stamps of Germany wmk. lozenges (14 stamps)
X 5pf grn ovpt, Germania Sc1
X 10pf car ovpt, Germania
X 15pf dkvio ovpt, Germania, p. 14
- 15pf viobrn ovpt, Germania
- 20pf ultra ovpt, Germania, p. 14x14.5
- 30 on 30(pf) org & blk, buff Germania
- 40 on 40(pf) lake & blk Germania
- 50pf pur & blk, buff ovpt, Germania
- 75pf grn & blk ovpt, Germania, p. 14
- 1m carrose ovpt, Imperial Post Office, p. 14x14.5
- 1.25m grn ovpt, post office
- 1.50m yelbrn ovpt, post office
- 2.50m lilrose ovpt, union of North and South
- 3m blkvio ovpt, unveiling

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