Stamps of United States, 0 perf

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2051 to 2100 of 2128


1999, May 12 unwmk (no perf info)
X 48c multi Niagara Falls

1999, Jul 30
- 40c multi Rio Grande

2000, Jan 20
- 60c multi Grand Canyon

2006, Feb 24 American landscapes
- 63c multi Bryce Canyon National Park
- 75c multi Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- 84c multi Yosemite National Park

2012, Jan 19 Glacier National Park issue
- 85c multi Glacier National Park

2012, Jan 20
- $1.05 multi Lancaster County, Pennsylvania


1875 1875 newspaper special issue
- 10c


1873 Agriculture Department issue
- 12c yel Henry Clay

1873 Executive Department issue (5 stamps)
- 1c car Franklin
- 2c car Jackson
- 3c car Washington
- 6c car Lincoln
- 10c car Jefferson

1879 Agriculture Department 1879 issue
- 1c yel

1879 Interior Department 1879 issue
- 1c ver

1879 War Department 1879 issue
- 1c rose

1879 Interior Department 1879 issue
- 2c ver

1879 War Department 1879 issue
- 2c rose

1879 Agriculture Department 1879 issue
- 3c yel

1879 Interior Department 1879 issue
- 3c ver

1879 Post Office Department 1879 issue
- 3c blk

1879 Treasury Department 1879 issue
- 3c brn

1879 War Department 1879 issue
- 3c rose

1879 Justice Department 1879 issue
- 3c

1879 Interior Department 1879 issue
- 6c ver

1879 Treasury Department 1879 issue
- 6c brn

1879 War Department 1879 issue
- 6c rose

1879 Justice Department 1879 issue
- 6c

1879 Interior Department 1879 issue
- 10c ver

1879 Treasury Department 1879 issue
- 10c brn

1879 War Department 1879 issue
- 10c rose

1879 Interior Department 1879 issue
- 12c ver

1879 War Department 1879 issue
- 12c rose

1879 Interior Department 1879 issue
- 15c ver
- 24c ver

1879 Treasury Department 1879 issue
- 30c brn

1879 War Department 1879 issue
- 30c rose

1879 Treasury Department 1879 issue
- 90c brn

postage due

1879 1879 due special printing issue numeral in oval (5 stamps)
- 3c dpbrn numeral in oval
- 5c dpbrn numeral in oval
- 10c dpbrn numeral in oval
- 30c dpbrn numeral in oval
- 50c dpbrn numeral in oval

1894 1894b issue
- 3c dpcl numeral in diamond
- 5c dpcl numeral in diamond
- 30c dpcl numeral in diamond
- 50c dpcl numeral in diamond

1910 wmk. single line USPS
- 30c numeral in diamond
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2051 to 2100 of 2128