Stamps of United States, 10v perf

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1914 1914c v issue Washington wmk. single line USPS p. 10v (5 stamps)
X 1c grn Washington
X 2c car Washington
- 3c vio Washington
X 4c brn Washington
- 5c bl Washington

1914 1914d rotary v issue Washington rotary press print (7 stamps)
X 1c grn Washington
X 2c car Washington, v. 1
X 2c car Washington, v. 2
X 2c car Washington, v. 3
- 3c vio Washington, v. 1 (1916) 100 – 1,000 10.–100
- 4c brn Washington (1916)
- 5c bl Washington (1916) 10.–100 10.–100

1916 1916d v issue rotary press print unwmk (8 stamps)
X 1c grn Washington
- 2c car Washington, v. 2
X 2c car Washington, v. 3
X 3c vio Washington, v. 1
X 3c vio Washington, v. 2 .30–1.00 .30–1.00
X 4c orgbrn Washington (1918) 1.00–10. 1.00–10.
X 5c bl Washington (1919)
X 10c orgyel Franklin 1.00–10. 1.00–10.

1923, Jan 1923 v issue rotary press print (8 stamps)
X 1c grn Franklin .30–1.00 .20
X 1 1/2c yelbrn Warren G. Harding (1925) .30–1.00 .20
X 2c car George Washington, v. 1
- 2c car George Washington, v. 2 (1929) 10.–100 10.–100
X 3c vio Lincoln (1924) 1.00–10. .20
X 4c yelbrn Martha Washington 1.00–10. .20
X 5c dkbl Theodore Roosevelt (1924) 1.00–10. .20
X 10c org James Monroe (1924) 1.00–10. .20

1929, Jun 5 Electric Light Jubilee issue
X 2c carrose Edison's first lamp .20 .20

1930, Jun 4 1930 issue
X 1 1/2c brn Warren G. Harding
X 4c brn Taft

1932, Jun 24
X 3c dpvio George Washington

1932, Aug 18
X 6c dporg James A. Garfield

1939, Jan 20 Presidential coil issue (9 stamps)
X 1c grn George Washington
X 1 1/2c bisbrn Martha Washington
X 2c rosecar John Adams
X 3c dpvio Thomas Jefferson
X 4c redvio James Madison
X 4 1/2c dkgray White House
X 5c brtbl James Monroe
X 6c redorg John Quincy Adams
X 10c brnred John Tyler

1954, Apr 9 Liberty coils issue (6 stamps)
X 1c dkgrn George Washington
X 2c carrose Thomas Jefferson
X 2 1/2c graybl Bunker Hill Monument
X 3c dpvio Statue of Liberty
X 4c redvio Abraham Lincoln
X 25c grn Paul Revere (1965) .20 .20

1962, Nov 23 1962 issue
X 1c grn Jackson
X 5c blgray George Washington
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