Stamps of Germany, 23.00 width

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1934, Sep 1 Nazi Congress issue wmk. swastikas p. 14
X 6pf grn
X 12pf carred

1935, Jan 16
X 3pf brn Germania welcoming Saar
X 6pf blgrn Germania welcoming Saar
X 12pf dkred Germania welcoming Saar
X 25pf bl Germania welcoming Saar

1935, Mar 15
X 6pf dkgrn German soldier
X 12pf dkred German soldier

1935, Apr 26
X 6pf dkgrn hand holding wreath & swastika
X 12pf crim hand holding wreath & swastika

1935, Jun 21 music festival issue
X 6pf grn Schutz
X 12pf red Bach
X 25pf dkbl Handel

1936, Feb 15
X 6pf blgrn Gottlieb Daimler

1936, Feb 15
X 12pf red Carl Benz

1936, May 4 Guericke death 250th issue
X 6pf grn Otto von Guericke

1936, Jun 30
X 6pf grn man & woman & dove
X 15pf redvio man & woman & dove

1937, Mar 3 Air Defense League issue
X 3pf brn Shield holder with badge of the Air-raid Protection Association
X 6pf dkgraygrn Shield holder with badge of the Air-raid Protection Association
X 12pf carred Shield holder with badge of the Air-raid Protection Association

1938, Jun 21 Breslau athletic festival issue
X 3pf brn Cathedral Island
X 6pf grn Hermann Goering Stadium
X 12pf copred Town Hall,Breslau
X 15pf viobrn Centennial Hall, Breslau

1951, Jun 20 posthorn issue posthorn (no wmk info) (7 stamps)
X 30 graybl posthorn
X 40 redpur posthorn
X 50 blgray posthorn (1952)
X 60 brn posthorn
X 70 yel posthorn (1952)
X 80 posthorn (1952)
X 90 posthorn (1952)

1951, Dec 10 Rontgen Nobel 50th issue
X 30 bl Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen & first X-ray tube

1953, May 12 Liebig 150th issue
X 30 dkbl Justus von Liebig

1953, Jun 20 Transportation&Communication Exhibition issue
X 4 brn train & hand signal
X 30 dkbl Waterway

1954, Jan 31 1954 Heuss issue Theodor Heuss (7 stamps)
X 30 bl Theodor Heuss
X 40 redvio Theodor Heuss .20
X 50 gray Theodor Heuss
X 60 redbrn Theodor Heuss
X 70 ol Theodor Heuss
X 80 dprose Theodor Heuss
X 90 dpgrn Theodor Heuss

1955, May 7 100th birthday of Oskar von Miller issue wmk. DBP & rosettes
X 10 grn Oskar von Miller

1966, Jan 7 1966a issue - architecture (1966) unwmk (6 stamps)
X 5 ol Berlin Gate, Stettin
X 10 dkbrn Wall Pavilion, Dresden (1967)
X 20 grn Lorsch Abbey (1967)
- 30 yelgrn Nordertor
X 30 red Nordertor (1967)
X 40 olbis Trifels (1967)
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