Stamps of Madagascar, Mar of any year

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51 to 99 of 99


1991, Mar 20 dogs (1991 Madagascar) unwmk (no perf info) (5 stamps)
- 140fr multi
- 350fr multi
- 500fr multi
- 800fr multi
- 1140fr multi

1993, Mar 11 Nobel Prize Winners issue (15 stamps)
- 500fr multi Albert Einstein
- 500fr multi W. Pauli and M. Born
- 500fr multi J. Thompson and J. Stark
- 500fr multi O. Hahn and H. Yukawa
- 500fr multi O. Richardson and W. Shockley
- 500fr multi A. Michelson and Ch. Townes
- 500fr multi W. Wien and c. Landau
- 500fr multi C. Braun and E. Appleton
- 500fr multi P. Bridgman and N. Semionow
- 500fr multi W. Ramsay and G. Seaborg
- 500fr multi O. Waltac and H. Staudinger
- 500fr multi R. Synge and A. Theorell
- 500fr multi Th. Morgan and H. Muller
- 500fr multi A. Gullstrand and W. Einthoven
- 500fr multi Ch. Sherrington and O. Loewi

1993, Mar 23 Race Cars and Locomotives issue (16 stamps)
- 20fr multi
- 20fr multi
- 20fr multi
- 20fr multi
- 140fr multi
- 140fr multi
- 140fr multi
- 140fr multi
- 1250fr multi
- 1250fr multi
- 1250fr multi
- 1250fr multi
- 3000fr multi
- 3000fr multi
- 3000fr multi
- 3000fr multi

1995, Mar 20 25th Anniversary of the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation of Francophone Countries issue
- 500fr multi

2006, Mar 1
- 300Ar multi Bicentenary of the birth of Pastor Mpitandrina Rainimamonjisoa

2006, Mar 1
- 300Ar multi 20th Anniversary of the Malagasy Stamp Collectors Association

2006, Mar 20 Centenary of the birth of Lèopold Sédan Senghor issue
- 2000ar multi


1964, Mar 23 World Meteorological Day 1964 issue
- 90fr multi

1973, Mar 22 Easter 1973 issue
- 100fr multi
- 200fr multi

1974, Mar 19 Asia, Africa, and South America Table Tennis Competition issue
- 50fr multi
- 100fr multi

postage due

1924, Mar 1 1924 due issue (no wmk info)
- 60c org ++on=1fr
- 2fr vio ++on=1fr
- 3fr bl ++on=1fr


1963, Mar 21 Freedom from Hunger issue unwmk
- 25+5fr multi
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