Stamps of Grenada, 12.5 perf

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2000, May 1 Millennium b issue - People and Events of Seventeenth Century (1650-1700) wmk. St Edwards crown & CA p. 12.5 (13 stamps)
- 50c multi Jan Vermeer
- 50c multi Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
- 50c multi
- 50c multi Sir Isaac Newton and Reflecting Telescope
- 50c multi Voltaire
- 50c multi Ivan V and Peter I
- 50c multi Shun Zhi
- 50c multi Christian Huggens and Saturn, 1655
- 50c multi Microscopic Mite
- 50c multi
- 50c multi Rene Descartes
- 50c multi
- 50c multi William o

2006, Jun 16 400th Anniversary of the Birth of Rembrandt issue (5 stamps)
- 50c multi
- $1 multi
- $1.50 multi
- $3 multi
- $6 multi

2006, Dec 1 Butterflies 2006 issue (8 stamps)
- 10c multi Nymphalis antiopa
- 25c multi Libytheana bachmanii
- $1 multi Tithorea pinthias
- $2 multi Hypolimnas misippus
- $4 multi Megisto rubricata
- $5 multi Taygetis chrysogone
- $10 multi Pierella hortona
- $20 multi Morpho aega

2008, Feb 6 Paintings by Qi Baishi issue (5 stamps)
- $1 multi
- $1 multi
- $1 multi
- $1 multi
- $4 multi

2009, Jan 22 Birds of the Caribbean 2009 issue (10 stamps)
- $1 multi Patagioenas leucocephala
- $2 multi Vermivora pinus
- $3 multi Tachycineta bicolor
- $3 multi Megaceryle torquata
- $3 multi Mniotilta varia
- $3 multi Amazona ochrocephala
- $3 multi Sphyrapicus varius
- $3 multi Anthracothorax mango
- $4 multi Coereba flaveola
- $5 multi Myiopsitta monachus

2009, Jan 22 50th Anniversary of Space Exploration issue (9 stamps)
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2.50 multi
- $2.50 multi
- $2.50 multi
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