Stamps of Thailand, imperf perf

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1991, Apr 2 Heritage Conservation Day 1991 issue - Floral Hanging Decorations (no wmk info) imperf
- 2b multi Wiman Phra
- 3b multi Wiman Thaen
- 4b multi Bandai Kaeo
- 5b multi Chorakhe

1991, Oct 15 World Bank and International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings issue
- 2b multi World Bank - Coins With Elephant
- 4b multi Pod Duang money-World BankInternational Monetary Fund
- 8b multi
- 10b multi

1991, Nov 5 Indian Elephants issue - Indian Elephants unwmk
- 8b multi

1993, Oct 1 BANGKOK '93 b issue (no wmk info)
- 3b multi Cosmetic Jar - Deities Bencharong .20
- 5b multi Cosmetic Jar - Ornaments Bencharong
- 6b multi Cosmetic Jar - Flowers Lai Nam Thong
- 7b multi Cosmetic Jar - Flowers Lai Nam Thong

1995, Jul 1 20th Anniversary of Thailand-China Diplomatic Relations issue
- 2b multi
- 2b multi

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