Stamps of Monaco, 12.5x12.25 perf

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1990, May 3 Europa 1990 issue - paintings by Hubert Clerissi unwmk p. 12.5x12.25
- 2.30fr multi Post Office Monaco-Ville 1908-1952
- 3.70fr multi Post Office Monte Carlo 1884-1944

1990, Oct 17 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Auguste Rodin issue
- 5.00fr bl & org Cathedral - By Auguste Rodin

1994, May 17 100th Anniversary of the International Olympic Committee issue
- 3.00fr multi

1994, Oct 15 Planning for the Stamp and Coin Museum issue
- 3.00fr multi Prince Albert I
- 4.00fr multi State Coat of Arms in medal form
- 7.00fr multi Prince Rainier III

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