Stamps of Netherlands Antilles, Aug of any year

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2000, Aug 8 Mailboxes 2000 issue - mailboxes (2000) unwmk p. 12.75x14
- 350c multi Mailboxes from England
- 500c multi Mailboxes from United States

2001, Aug 20 Cave Bats p. 14x12.75
- 85c multi Map of bat species in Kueba Bosa
- 110c multi Eptonycteris Nivalis Curasaoe
- 225c multi Glosophaga elongata

2002, Aug 26 Amphilex 2002 issue p. 12.75x13.5
- 70c multi Details from the 1885 version of “The Potato Eaters” by Vin
- 95c multi Details from the 1885 version of “The Potato Eaters” by Vin
- 145c multi Details from the 1885 version of “The Potato Eaters” by Vin
- 240c multi Details from the 1885 version of “The Potato Eaters” by Vin

2003, Aug 6 ships (2003 Netherlands Antilles) (12 stamps)
- 5c multi Egyptian boat, p. 14x12.75
- 5c multi Ship of King Tutankhamen, p. 14x12.75
- 35c multi Egyptian river boat, p. 14x12.75
- 35c multi Picture from Greek vase depicting Ulysses, p. 14x12.75
- 40c multi Greek dromond, p. 14x12.75
- 40c multi Virgil’s Aeneid, p. 14x12.75
- 60c multi Greek trade ship, p. 14x12.75
- 60c multi Javanese fusta, p. 14x12.75
- 75c multi Mora from Bayeux Tapestry, p. 14x12.75
- 75c multi Venetian cog, p. 14x12.75
- 85c multi HMS Pembroke ship of Capt James Cook
- 85c multi Savannah first transatlantic steamship

2004, Aug 23 Singapore World Stamp Championship 2004 issue p. 13.5x13 (5 stamps)
- 95c multi
- 95c multi
- 145c multi
- 145c multi
- 500c multi

2005, Aug 31 fruits (2005 Netherlands Antilles) (10 stamps)
- 25c multi Carica papaya
- 45c multi Punica granatum
- 70c multi Mangifera indica
- 75c multi Annona muricata
- 85c multi cashews
- 97c multi Soursops
- 145c multi Tamarinds
- 193c multi Watermelons
- 270c multi Gennip
- 300c multi seagrape

2006, Aug 18 birds (2006 Netherlands Antilles) (12 stamps)
- 5c multi Taeniopygia guttata, p. 13.5x13
- 5c multi Parus caeruleus
- 35c multi Pitta moluccensis, p. 13.5x13
- 35c multi Pyrrhula pyrrhula
- 60c multi Calospiza fastuosa, p. 13.5x13
- 60c multi Cosmopsarus regius
- 75c multi Coracias caudatus
- 75c multi Merops apiaster
- 85c multi Icterus nigrogularis, p. 13.5x13
- 85c multi Dendrocopos major
- 100c multi Amazona barbadensis, p. 13.5x13
- 100c multi Alcedo atthis

2006, Aug 28 Greetings 2006 b issue p. 13.5x14
- 1234 multi
- 1234 multi
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