Stamps of Nicaragua, 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Lord Robert Baden-Powell issue

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1957, Apr 9 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Lord Robert Baden-Powell issue unwmk p. 13.5x14 (15 stamps)
- 3c redorg & brnol
- 4c grnbl & sep Lord Baden-Powell
- 5c grn & brn
- 6c vio & brnol
- 8c blk & car
- 10c vio & ol
- 15c vio & blkbrn
- 20c viobl & brn
- 25c blgrn & brncar Lord Baden-Powell
- 30c blgrn & blk
- 40c bl & brnblk
- 50c rose & olgrn Joseph A. Harrison, Founder of Scout Mov…
- 75c viobrn & sep
- 85c red & brnblk
- 1cor brnvio & ol

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