Stamps of Nevis, 14.25 perf

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1999, Jun 19 Royal Wedding 1999 issue wmk. crown & CA p. 14.25
- $2 multi Prince Edward
- $5 multi Prince Edward and Miss Sophie Rhys-Jones
- $5 multi Prince Edward and Miss Sophie Rhys-Jones

2001, Dec 3 Flags of the Caribbean Community issue (14 stamps)
- 90c multi flag of Antigua and Barbuda
- 90c multi flag of Bahamas
- 90c multi Flag of Barbados
- 90c multi flag of Belize
- 90c multi flag of Dominica
- 90c multi flag of Grenada
- 90c multi flag of Guyana
- 90c multi Flag of Jamaica
- 90c multi flag of Montserrat
- 90c multi flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis
- 90c multi flag of Saint Lucia
- 90c multi flag of Suriname
- 90c multi flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- 90c multi Flag of Trinidad and Tobago

2001, Dec 3 Christmas 2001 issue
- 30c multi Senna alata
- 90c multi Euphorbia pulcherrima
- $1.20 multi Breynia disticha
- $3 multi Erythrina variegata

2001, Dec 13 101st birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother issue
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi

2002, Aug 15 Insects from Around the World issue (7 stamps)
- $1.20 multi Melipona beecheii
- $1.20 multi Banded King Shoemaker
- $1.20 multi Protambulyx strigilis
- $1.20 multi Dynastes hercules
- $1.20 multi South American palm weevil Rhynchophorus palmarum
- $1.20 multi Mastophyllum scabricolle
- $5 multi Semiotus angulatus

2002, Aug 15 APS STAMPSHOW 2002 issue (7 stamps)
- $1.60 multi Ajaja ajaja
- $1.60 multi Phaethon lepturus
- $1.60 multi Archilochus colubris
- $1.60 multi Rhynchops niger
- $1.60 multi Himantopus mexicanus
- $1.60 multi Zenaida macroura
- $5 multi Thalasseus maximus

2002, Aug 15 Whales 2002 issue - whales (2002 Nevis) (7 stamps)
- $1.60 multi Physeter macrocephalus
- $1.60 multi Orcinus orca
- $1.60 multi Balaenoptera acutorostrata
- $1.60 multi Balaenoptera physalus
- $1.60 multi Mesoplodon densirostris
- $1.60 multi Kogia breviceps
- $5 multi Megaptera novaeangliae

2002, Aug 26 Winter Olympics 2002 issue
- $2 multi
- $2 multi

2002, Aug 26 International Year of Mountains issue
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
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