Stamps of Solomon Islands, 14.25x14 perf

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1985, Sep 30 75th Anniversary of Girl Guide Movement & International Youth Year issue wmk. crown & CA spiral p. 14.25x14 (5 stamps)
- 12c multi
- 15c multi
- 25c multi
- 35c multi
- 45c multi

1994, May 9 dolphins (1994) wmk. mult crown & script CA (5 stamps)
- 75c multi Stenella coeruleoalba
- 85c multi Grampus griseus
- $1.15 multi Delphinus delphis
- $2.50 multi Stenella longirostris
- $3 multi Bootlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus

2005, Mar 21 50th Anniversary of the Baha'i Faith in the Solomon Islands issue unwmk
- $1.50 multi
- $3.00 multi
- $5.00 multi

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