Stamps of Uganda, Uganda Wildlife - Primates issue

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2017, May 5 Uganda Wildlife - Primates issue unwmk (no perf info) (13 stamps)
- 100sh multi bush baby
- 500sh multi chimpanzee
- 700sh multi Black & White Colobus Colobus guereza
- 800sh multi olive baboon Papio anubis
- 900sh multi De Brazza's monkey
- 1000sh multi L'Hoest's monkey
- 1100sh multi mountain gorilla
- 1800sh multi Vervet monkey
- 1900sh multi mountain gorilla
- 2000sh multi blue monkey
- 2700sh multi olive baboon Papio anubis
- 3000sh multi golden monkey Cercopithecus kandti
- 3400sh multi chimpanzee

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