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(No stamps with images found)
Name: amphibian
Type: animal
Type list of amphibians

Not in any designs.

Appearing in design types:
amphibians (1975) (5 stamps of Spain, 1975)
amphibians (1982) (4 stamps of Gambia, 1982)
amphibians (1988) (4 stamps of China, ROC, 1988)
amphibians (1993) (5 stamps of Laos, 1993)
amphibians (2013) (3 stamps of Croatia, 2013)
amphibians (2014) (4 stamps of Thailand, 2014)
amphibians and reptiles (1994) (6 stamps of Laos, 1994)
amphibians and reptiles (1999) (4 stamps of Haiti, 1999)
amphibians and reptiles (2001) (4 stamps of Uruguay, 2001)
amphibians of Ukraine (5 stamps of Ukraine, 2011)
endemic amphibians of Sri Lanka (4 stamps of Sri Lanka, 2001)
reptiles & amphibians (1962) (9 stamps of Yugoslavia, 1962)
reptiles & amphibians (1963) (12 stamps of Poland, 1963)
reptiles & amphibians (1979) (16 stamps of Solomon Islands, 1979)
reptiles & amphibians (1982) Solomon Islands 9/20/1982 $10 issue=1979 dt=reptiles & amphibians (1982) d=Eretmochelys imbricata (1979 Solomon Islands)
reptiles & amphibians (1983) (2 stamps of Solomon Islands, 1983)
reptiles & amphibians (2003) (5 stamps of United States, 2003)
reptiles and amphibians (2003) (2 stamps of Micronesia, 2003)
reptiles and amphibians (2004) (5 stamps of Palau, 2004)
reptiles and amphibians (2005) (9 stamps of Nevis, 2005)

No synonyms.
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Next animal: Amphicraspedum murrayanum

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Next taxon: Ancylostoma caninum

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