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  • Colnect-4411-501-HMS--quot-Boreas-quot--off-Nevis.jpg
  • Colnect-3104-637-Nevis-at-dawn.jpg
  • Colnect-4411-340-Nevis-at-dawn---overprinted.jpg
  • Colnect-1184-577-Nevis.jpg
  • Colnect-3819-744-Nevis.jpg
Name: Nevis
Type: island

Appearing in designs:
HMS Boreas off Nevis Nevis 3/14/1983 55c dt=ships (1983 Nevis)
Nevis at dawn (3 stamps of Nevis, 1981-1983, 1 is ovpt)
Nevis from the sea, north & King George VI St. KittsNevis 6/14/1952 5c issue=1952
Nevis from the sea, north & Queen Elizabeth II St. KittsNevis 3/1/1954 5c issue=1954

Appearing in design types:
birds of Nevis (1991) (21 stamps of Nevis, 1991)
birds of Nevis (2010) (10 stamps of Nevis, 2010)
butterflies of Nevis (14 stamps of Nevis, 2001)
flowering trees of Nevis (8 stamps of Nevis, 2017)
orchids of Nevis (9 stamps of Nevis, 1990)

No synonyms.
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