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Mugil cephalus (synonym of flathead grey mullet)

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  • Colnect-2338-559-Flathead-Mullet-Mugil-cephalus.jpg
  • PE059.04.jpg
  • TN011.08.jpg
  • Colnect-3326-944-Flathead-Grey-Mullet-Mugil-cephalus.jpg
  • DZ002.16.jpg
Name: Mugil cephalus
Type: fish
Synonym of: flathead grey mullet

Appearing in designs:
Mugil cephalus (1989) Gambia 10/19/1989 5d dt=fishes (1989 Gambia)
Mugil cephalus (2002) GuineaBissau 12/9/2002 750fcfa issue=Fish 2001 b
Mugil cephalus (2004) Peru 3/3/2004 1.60s dt=sea fishes of Peru
Mugil cephalus (2008) Tunisia 6/5/2008 0.25d dt=fishes of Tunisia (2008)
Mugil cephalus (2009) North Korea 9/1/2009 160w issue=Fish 2009
Mugil cephalus (2016) Algeria 1/20/2016 50.00d issue=Fishes 2016

Wikipedia article