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HMNZS Achilles

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  • Colnect-3523-245-Hmnzs-Achilles.jpg
  • Colnect-3101-114-HMNZS-Achilles.jpg
  • Colnect-5038-239-HMS-%E2%80%9EAchilles%E2%80%9C.jpg
  • FJ021.05.jpg
  • Colnect-2043-624-HMS-Achilles.jpg
  • Colnect-3910-240-Battle-of-the-River-Plate.jpg
Name: HMNZS Achilles
Type: ship

Appearing in designs:
HMNZS Achilles & badge Falkland Islands 12/13/1974 6p issue=Battle of the River Plate 35th
HMNZS Achilles (1985) New Zealand 11/6/1985 45c issue=naval history of New Zealand dt=naval history of New Zealand
HMNZS Achilles (1989) Marshall Islands 12/15/1989 45c issue=History of the Second World War - Battle of the River Plate, 1939
HMNZS Achilles (1991) Tuvalu 10/15/1991 60c dt=World War II ships (1991)
HMNZS Achilles (2005) Fiji 6/27/2005 83c issue=60th Anniversary of the end of World War II
HMNZS Achilles (2009) Uruguay 12/16/2009 12p issue=Battle of the River Plate 70th

HMNZS Achilles (70)

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External links:
Wikipedia article