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Pedro Nunes

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  • Colnect-174-179-Pedro-Nunes.jpg
  • PT026.02.jpg

Issue but not design:
  • Colnect-174-180-Nonio-navigation-instrument-and-diagram.jpg
  • PT024.02.jpg
  • PT025.02.jpg
Name: Pedro Nunes
Type: person
Dates: 1502 – 1578

Pedro Nunes birth 1502
Nunes 500th Portugal 2002
Pedro Nunes death 1578
4th Centenary of the Death of Pedro Nunes Portugal 1978

Appearing in designs:
Pedro Nunes (2 stamps of Portugal, 1978-2002)

No synonyms.
Prev syn: Nun Moth
Prev person: Francesco Nullo
Next person: R K Nunes

External links:
Wikipedia article