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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

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  • IO021.03.jpg
  • Colnect-4138-268-Boeing-B17G-Flying-fortress.jpg
  • STS-Solomons-3-300dpi.jpg-crop-526x366at1390-2267.jpg
  • Colnect-5576-694-Henry-H-Arnold.jpg
  • Colnect-5088-344-P-51s-Escorts-B-17s-on-bombing-raids.jpg
  • Colnect-2920-539-Bomb-attack-on-Schweinfurt.jpg
  • Colnect-4558-961-Avro-Anson---Boeing.jpg
  • Colnect-2418-944-B-17-Flying-Fortress.jpg
  • Colnect-4499-164-Boeing-B-17--quot-Flying-Fortress-quot-.jpg
  • Colnect-6192-559-B-17-Flying-Fortress.jpg
  • Colnect-4276-065-B-17F-Flying-Fortress.jpg
  • Colnect-3148-564-B17-F-Usaf.jpg
  • Colnect-3148-567-B17-G-Usaf.jpg
  • Colnect-3148-569-B17-G-44th-Bomber-Group.jpg
  • Colnect-4373-649-B-17-Flying-Fortress.jpg
  • Colnect-3206-855-Messerschmitt-and-Boeing.jpg
  • Colnect-4697-552-Boeing-Fortress-II.jpg
  • Colnect-4488-426-Classic-American-AircraftFlying-Fortress.jpg
  • Colnect-1303-926-Boeing-B-17-Flying-Fortress.jpg
  • Colnect-2281-647-Boeing-B-17-Flying-Fortress.jpg
Name: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
Type: airplane

Appearing in designs:
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (1991) Guyana 12/23/1991 $50 issue=50th Anniversary of Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (1995) Cambodia 9/15/1995 1000r dt=Second World War Planes
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (2003) British Indian Ocean Territory 7/18/2003 26p issue=powered flight 100th
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber Dominican Republic 12/30/1995 2.00p issue=50th Anniversary of Dominican Air Force

B-17 in bomb attack on Schweinfurt Antigua 3/11/1991 $6 issue=World War II
B-17 over Henderson Field Solomon Islands 8/28/1967 8c issue=Guadalcanal battle 25th
Henry H. Arnold & B-17 Micronesia 2/21/1996 32c dt=pioneers of flight (1993)
P-51s escort B-17s on bombing raids United States 6/6/1994 29c issue=1944: Road to Victory dt=World War II (1991)
B-17 Bomber
B-17 Bomber Sierra Leone 7/10/1995 300le issue=50th Anniversary of End of Second World War in the Pacific
B-17 Flying Fortress
Avro Anson - B-17 Flying Fortress Isle of Man 5/9/2003 37p issue=Airplanes 2003 dt=airplanes (2003)
B-17 Flying Fortress (1991) Norfolk Island 12/9/1991 70c issue=50th Anniversary of Outbreak of Pacific War
B-17 Flying Fortress (2000) Central African Republic 2/28/2000 390fr issue=Aviation History
B-17 Flying Fortress (2001) Liberia 9/1/2001 $20 issue=Military Aircraft of the United States 2001 dt=Military Aircraft of the United States (2001)
B-17 Flying Fortress (2013) Marshall Islands 10/14/2013 46c issue=Legendary Aircraft of WWII 2013
B-17F Flying Fortress
B-17F Flying Fortress Marshall Islands 6/1/1999 33c issue=Legendary Aircraft
B.17 F.
B.17 F. Sierra Leone 2/5/1990 16le dt=USAF aircraft
B.17 G.
B.17 G. Sierra Leone 2/5/1990 90le dt=USAF aircraft
B.17 G. 44th Bomber Group Sierra Leone 2/5/1990 150le dt=USAF aircraft
B17 Flying Fortress
B17 Flying Fortress Grenada Grenadines 5/8/1995 $2 issue=50th Anniversary of End of Second World War in Europe
Boeing B-17
Me 163 & Boeing B-17 Dominica 5/18/1995 $2 issue=50th Anniversary of End of Second World War in Europe
Boeing Fortress II
Boeing Fortress II Ascension 4/1/1998 50p issue=80th Anniversary of Royal Air Force
Flying Fortress
Flying Fortress United States 7/19/1997 32c issue=Classic American Aircraft dt=classic American aircraft
Flying Fortress from Bauer Field (2 stamps, New Hebrides (Br) & New Hebrides (Fr), 1967)
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External links:
Wikipedia article