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Maeshima (synonym of Maejima Hisoka)

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  • Colnect-823-264-Baron-Maejima-Hisoka-founder-of-the-Japanese-Postal-System.jpg
  • Colnect-823-761-Baron-Maejima-Hisoka-founder-of-the-Japanese-Postal-System.jpg
  • Colnect-2277-204-Baron-Maejima-Hisoka-founder-of-the-Japanese-Postal-System.jpg
Name: Maeshima
Type: person
Synonym of: Maejima Hisoka

Appearing in designs:
Maeshima (1946) Japan 8/1/1946 15s issue=1946
Maeshima (1951) Japan 0/1/1951 1y issue=1950
Maeshima and Tokyo Post Office by Hiroshige Japan 6/5/1985 60y

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Next person: Maurice Maeterlinck

Wikipedia article