Prev: bird Casuarius casuarius
Next: work of art Cat Child’s Drawing


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  • Colnect-133-989-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-723-178-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-3230-319-Domestic-Cats-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-2579-344-Turkish-Angora-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-3748-515-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-1336-988-Cat-Mosaic-from-Pompeji.jpg
  • Colnect-122-584-Cat.jpg
  • Colnect-896-137-Cat.jpg
  • Colnect-1967-979-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-129-554-Cat.jpg
  • UA040.04.jpg
  • JP136.05.jpg
  • BA005.07.jpg
  • HU054.08.jpg
  • IL043.10.jpg
  • UA012.11.jpg
  • Colnect-4014-375-Chartreux.jpg
  • US102.16.jpg
  • Colnect-5243-059-Cat.jpg
  • Colnect-5487-005-Beatrix-Potter-sketching-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • MT010.04.jpg
  • Colnect-5043-390-Kitten-with-ball-of-wool.jpg
  • US041.10.jpg
  • Colnect-1256-336-Black-white-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-2206-765-Boy-and-cat.jpg
  • Colnect-1920-120-Boy-Fishing-cat.jpg
  • Colnect-201-115-Bright-EyesCat.jpg
  • Colnect-5142-355-Brown-cat.jpg
  • Colnect-5025-684-Puppy-and-Kitten.jpg
  • SI058.09.jpg
  • Colnect-4400-907-Cat-behind-a-microscope.jpg
  • Colnect-4718-797-Cat-and-mouse.jpg
  • GB152.12.jpg
  • Colnect-123-462-Cat-at-Window.jpg
  • Colnect-2556-905-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus-with-Puppy.jpg
  • Colnect-160-450-Cat-couple.jpg
  • SE003.10.jpg
  • Colnect-123-459-Cat-in-Handbag.jpg
  • Colnect-123-465-Cat-in-Washbasin.jpg
  • Colnect-2375-413-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus-licking-its-Paw.jpg
  • Colnect-1275-681-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus-lurks.jpg
  • TJ024.09.jpg
  • Colnect-123-460-Cat-on-Gate.jpg
  • SE004.10.jpg
  • Colnect-1275-678-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus-rolling-on-the-Carpet.jpg
  • Colnect-160-502-Cat-and-dog.jpg
  • Colnect-123-464-Cat-watching-Bird.jpg
  • Colnect-3266-374-Cat-with-a-mouse.jpg
  • Colnect-3838-540-Cat-with-ball.jpg
  • Colnect-5188-866-Cat-with-Butterfly-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • JP102.03.jpg
  • Colnect-2320-058-Summer.jpg
  • Colnect-2862-517-Cat-and-letter.jpg
  • Colnect-3266-375-Cat-with-three-kittens.jpg
  • Colnect-5043-391-Cat-and-two-kittens.jpg
  • Colnect-156-618-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-3266-373-Cats-with-a-butterfly.jpg
  • Colnect-175-270-Child-with-Cat.jpg
  • Colnect-5190-356-Dog-Cat-and-Fish.jpg
  • Colnect-1962-577-Dog---Cat.jpg
  • Colnect-1473-303-Dog---Cat.jpg
  • Colnect-5552-648-Cat-portrait.jpg
  • Colnect-1256-338-Gray-white-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-1732-825-Lizard-and-cat-Chencherere-Hill.jpg
  • US044.10.jpg
  • Colnect-576-942-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-2682-297-Dog-and-Cat.jpg
  • Colnect-452-123-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-1615-094-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-3909-703-Dog-Canis-lupus-familiaris-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-1280-118-Cats-dogs.jpg
  • Colnect-938-305-Dog-Canis-lupus-familiaris-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris.jpg
  • Colnect-5019-008-Chesnut-Havane.jpg
  • Colnect-723-849-Cats-Felis-silvestris-catus-and-Bird.jpg
  • Colnect-1128-266-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-3909-704-Kitten-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-1331-856-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-2273-534-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-4581-328-Japanese-bobtail.jpg
  • Colnect-4974-184-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-2556-906-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-1097-946-Blue-point-Siamese-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-2658-952-Javanese-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-1097-960-English-Shorthair-Bicolor-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-4221-150-Black-Persian.jpg
  • Colnect-5661-592-Ragdoll.jpg
  • Colnect-3392-478-Tortoiseshell-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-1143-812-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-3855-619-Silvery-Longhair.jpg
  • Colnect-5402-772-Egyptian-mau.jpg
  • Colnect-4187-899-Long-haired-blue-and-white.jpg
(plus 49 more images)

Candidate designs:
  • Colnect-3723-468-Cat.jpg
Name: cat
Type: mammal
Type list of cats

Appearing in designs:
Beatrix Potter sketching cat Alderney 7/31/2013 71p issue=The Life of Beatrix Potter
Black & white cat Malta 3/26/2004 60c dt=cats (2004 Malta)
black & white cat with yarn Romania 3/20/1965 60b dt=cats (1965)
Black White Tan cat United States 4/30/2010 44 issue=Animal Rescue
Black-White cat Vanuatu 7/14/2010 100v dt=cats of Vanuatu
boy & cat Netherlands Antilles 10/21/1981 55+25c issue=Child welfare 1981
boy fishing cat Grenada 5/27/1970 30c issue=Wordsworth 200th dt=children&pets
Bright Eyes cat United States 8/20/1998 32c dt=bright eyes
Brown cat (2 stamps, Somalia & Slovenia, 1997-2013)
cat & dog (1982) United States 11/3/1982 13c issue=Christmas 1982
cat & dog (2009) Slovenia 11/27/2009 A issue=Personalised stamps
cat & microscope San Marino 9/26/2017 2,00(€) issue=10th Anniversary of animal testing ban in San Marino
cat & mouse Poland 5/31/1996 40gr issue=UNICEF 50th Anniversary
cat & mouse on Christmas tree Great Britain 11/6/2012 1.90lb issue=Christmas 2012
cat (1961) Luxembourg 5/15/1961 1.50fr dt=animals (1961 Luxembourg) var=wide margins
cat (1965) Yugoslavia 10/3/1965 30d
cat (1966) Albania 2/25/1966 50q dt=domestic animals (1966)
cat (1972) South West Africa 9/19/1972 5c issue=SPCA 100th
cat (1973) Turkey 10/4/1973 100k
cat (1981) Benin 7/31/1981 60fr dt=animals (1981 Benin)
cat (1985) San Marino 10/25/1985 600l issue=International Feline Federation Congress
cat (1988) Great Britain 9/6/1988 32p issue=Edward Lear
cat (1996) Japan 7/23/1996 50y issue=Letter Writing Day 1996
cat (1998) Israel 5/13/1998 60ag issue=Children's Pets
cat (1999) Ireland 1/26/1999 30p dt=House Pets
cat (2004) (2 stamps, Belgium & Ukraine, 2004)
cat (2005) Japan 10/21/2005 80y issue=Greetings Winter 2005
cat (2007) (2 stamps, North Macedonia & Bosnia & Herzegovina, Republic, 2007)
cat (2008) Hungary 10/9/2008 Domestic issue=Your Own Hello stamp
cat (2010) Israel 8/25/2010 1.70s issue=Animals and their Offspring
cat (2011) Ukraine 6/25/2011 1.50h dt=Ukrainian homestead animals
cat (2015) Sierra Leone 8/21/2015 5500le issue=Cats 2015
cat (2016) United States 8/2/2016 forever issue=Pets 2016
cat (2018) Honduras 9/28/2018 5l issue=UPAEP 2018 dt=domestic animals
cat at Window Great Britain 2/13/2001 1st issue=Cats and Dogs
cat carrying kitten Cuba 2005 75c issue=Cats 2005 dt=cats (2005 Cuba)
cat couple Finland 2/3/1998 1 class issue=Greeting Stamp
cat drinking from saucer Sweden 1/28/2010 Brev Inrikes(=5kr) issue=Cats 2009 dt=cats (2009 Sweden)
cat in Handbag Great Britain 2/13/2001 1st issue=Cats and Dogs
cat in Washbasin Great Britain 2/13/2001 1st issue=Cats and Dogs
cat licking its paw Cuba 2005 10c issue=Cats 2005 dt=cats (2005 Cuba)
cat Lurks Cuba 2005 40c issue=Cats 2005 dt=cats (2005 Cuba)
cat on ball Tajikistan 9/14/2009 3.50s issue=Domestic Animals in the Circus
cat on gate Great Britain 2/13/2001 1st issue=Cats and Dogs
cat playing with ball Sweden 1/28/2010 Brev Inrikes(=5kr) issue=Cats 2009 dt=cats (2009 Sweden)
cat rolling on the carpet Cuba 2005 5c issue=Cats 2005 dt=cats (2005 Cuba)
cat tail & dog tail Finland 1/27/1999 3.00mk issue=Animal Tails dt=Animal Tails
cat watching bird Great Britain 2/13/2001 1st issue=Cats and Dogs
cat with a mouse North Korea 3/25/2010 133w dt=cats (2010 North Korea)
cat with ball (2 stamps, Cuba & Poland, 1971-2007)
cat with butterfly Alderney 7/19/1996 16p dt=cats (1996 Alderney)
cat with camera and letter Japan 7/23/2003 50y issue=Letter Writing Day 2003
cat with fishing pole Åland Islands 5/31/2014 EUROPA issue=My stamp 2014
cat with letter Japan 3/1/1989 40y issue=Letter Writing Day 1989
cat with three kittens North Korea 3/25/2010 170w dt=cats (2010 North Korea)
cat with two kittens Romania 3/20/1965 75b dt=cats (1965)
cats (17 stamps, Australia & 8 others, 1975-2019)
cats with a butterly North Korea 3/25/2010 70w dt=cats (2010 North Korea)
child with cat (2 stamps, Malaysia & Netherlands, 1982-2011)
dog & cat & fish Germany 7/12/2012 145(c) issue=German Animal Protection Association - Animal centres
dog cat Australia 9/12/1996 45c issue=Pets 1996 dt=Pets (1996)
dog cat from ms Australia 10/1/1996 45c issue=Pets 1996 from sheet dt=Pets (1996)
face of cat Switzerland 3/7/2019 100(c) issue=Animal Friends
Gray-White cat Vanuatu 7/14/2010 190v dt=cats of Vanuatu
lizard & cat Malawi 5/10/1972 8t dt=rock paintings
Orange Tabby cat United States 4/30/2010 44 issue=Animal Rescue
two cats on a chair Canada 10/1/2004 49(c) dt=pets (2004 Canada)

Appearing in design types:
cat Breeds (1999 Liberia) (18 stamps of Liberia, 1999)
cat Breeds (1999 Tanzania) (14 stamps of Tanzania, 1999)
cat paintings (5 stamps of St. Thomas & Prince Islands, 2001)
cats & dogs (10 stamps of Australia, 2004)
cats (1964) (10 stamps of Poland, 1964)
cats (1965) (8 stamps of Romania, 1965)
cats (1966) (7 stamps of Albania, 1966)
cats (1967) (14 stamps, Bulgaria & Fujeira, 1967)
cats (1968 Ajman) (5 stamps of Ajman, 1968)
cats (1968 Hungary) (8 stamps of Hungary, 1968)
cats (1973) (10 stamps of Paraguay, 1973)
cats (1974 Republic of the Congo) (4 stamps of Republic of the Congo, 1974)
cats (1974) (14 stamps of Equatorial Guinea, 1974)
cats (1975) (16 stamps of Equatorial Guinea, 1975)
cats (1976 Equatorial Guinea) (19 stamps of Equatorial Guinea, 1976)
cats (1976 Paraguay) (9 stamps of Paraguay, 1976)
cats (1979 Mozambique) (6 stamps of Mozambique, 1979)
cats (1979 Paraguay) (9 stamps of Paraguay, 1979)
cats (1979 Vietnam) (6 stamps of Vietnam, 1979)
cats (1983 Bulgaria) (6 stamps of Bulgaria, 1983)
cats (1983 New Zealand) (4 stamps of New Zealand, 1983)
cats (1983 North Korea) (5 stamps of North Korea, 1983)
cats (1984 Dominica) (11 stamps of Dominica, 1984)
cats (1984 Nicaragua) (7 stamps of Nicaragua, 1984)
cats (1984 Paraguay) (7 stamps of Paraguay, 1984)
cats (1985) (7 stamps of GuineaBissau, 1985)
cats (1986 Mali) (3 stamps of Mali, 1986)
cats (1986 Vietnam) (7 stamps of Vietnam, 1986)
cats (1987 Mongolia) (8 stamps of Mongolia, 1987)
cats (1987 Paraguay) (5 stamps of Paraguay, 1987)
cats (1988 Cambodia) (8 stamps of Cambodia, 1988)
cats (1988 United States) (4 stamps of United States, 1988)
cats (1989 Bulgaria) (6 stamps of Bulgaria, 1989)
cats (1989 Paraguay) (5 stamps of Paraguay, 1989)
cats (1990 Afghanistan) (7 stamps of Afghanistan, 1996)
cats (1990 Vietnam) (8 stamps of Vietnam, 1990)
cats (1990 Yemen) (7 stamps of Yemen, 1990)
cats (1991 Mongolia) (8 stamps of Mongolia, 1991)
cats (1991 Montserrat) (5 stamps of Montserrat, 1991)
cats (1991 North Korea) (5 stamps of North Korea, 1991)
cats (1992 Guyana) (20 stamps of Guyana, 1992)
cats (1992 Tanzania) (8 stamps of Tanzania, 1992)
cats (1992 Yugoslavia) (4 stamps of Yugoslavia, 1992)
cats (1993 Italy) (4 stamps of Italy, 1993)
cats (1993 Lesotho) (5 stamps of Lesotho, 1993)
cats (1993 Romania) (6 stamps of Romania, 1993)
cats (1993 Sierra Leone) (19 stamps of Sierra Leone, 1993)
cats (1994 Cuba) (7 stamps of Cuba, 1994)
cats (1994 Jersey) (5 stamps of Jersey, 1994)
cats (1994 Maldive Islands) (15 stamps of Maldive Islands, 1994)
cats (1994 Sweden) (4 stamps of Sweden, 1994)
cats (1994 Uganda) (10 stamps of Uganda, 1994)
cats (1995 Antigua) (13 stamps of Antigua, 1995)
cats (1995 Azerbaijan) (7 stamps of Azerbaijan, 1995)
cats (1995 Finland) (6 stamps of Finland, 1995)
cats (1995 Great Britain) (5 stamps of Great Britain, 1995)
cats (1995 Laos) (6 stamps of Laos, 1995)
cats (1995 Marshall Islands) (4 stamps of Marshall Islands, 1995)
cats (1995 Netherlands Antilles) (5 stamps of Netherlands Antilles, 1995)
cats (1995 Surinam) (6 stamps of Surinam, 1995)
cats (1995 Turks & Caicos Islands) (10 stamps of Turks & Caicos Islands, 1995)
cats (1996 Alderney) (6 stamps of Alderney, 1996)
cats (1996 Guinea) (7 stamps of Guinea, 1996)
cats (1996 Libya) (5 stamps of Libya, 1996)
cats (1996 Sierra Leone) (26 stamps of Sierra Leone, 1996)
cats (1996 Tanzania) (8 stamps of Tanzania, 1996)
cats (1997 Cambodia) (7 stamps of Cambodia, 1997)
cats (1997 Cuba) (6 stamps of Cuba, 1997)
cats (1997 Dominica) (11 stamps of Dominica, 1997)
cats (1997 Gambia) (14 stamps of Gambia, 1997)
cats (1997 Gibraltar) (6 stamps of Gibraltar, 1997)
cats (1997 Grenada Grenadines) (11 stamps of Grenada Grenadines, 1997)
cats (1997 Grenada) (13 stamps of Grenada, 1997)
cats (1997 Mali) (19 stamps of Mali, 1997-1998)
cats (1997 Sierra Leone) (10 stamps of Sierra Leone, 1997)
cats (1997 Togo) (7 stamps of Togo, 1997)
cats (1997 Tuvalu) (4 stamps of Tuvalu, 1997)
cats (1997 Zaire) (10 stamps of Zaire, 1997)
cats (1998 Bulgaria) (4 stamps of Bulgaria, 1998)
cats (1998 Comoro Islands) (20 stamps of Comoro Islands, 1998)
cats (1998 Guinea) (7 stamps of Guinea, 1998)
cats (1998 Maldive Islands) (18 stamps of Maldive Islands, 1998)
cats (1998 Mongolia) (7 stamps of Mongolia, 1998)
cats (1998 New Zealand) (6 stamps of New Zealand, 1998)
cats (1998 Norfolk Island) (4 stamps of Norfolk Island, 1998)
cats (1999 Burkina Faso) (7 stamps of Burkina Faso, 1999)
cats (1999 Cambodia) (7 stamps of Cambodia, 1999)
cats (1999 Czech Republic) (3 stamps of Czech Republic, 1999)
cats (1999 Guinea) (9 stamps of Guinea, 1999)
cats (1999 Togo) (7 stamps of Togo, 1999)
cats (2000 Afghanistan) (7 stamps of Afghanistan, 2000)
cats (2000 Antigua) (4 stamps of Antigua, 2000)
cats (2000 Cambodia) (7 stamps of Cambodia, 2000)
cats (2000 Dominica) (18 stamps of Dominica, 2000)
cats (2000 Ghana) (9 stamps of Ghana, 2000)
cats (2000 Grenada Grenadines) (17 stamps of Grenada Grenadines, 2000)
cats (2000 Grenada) (9 stamps of Grenada, 2000)
cats (2000 Mali) (6 stamps of Mali, 2000)
cats (2000 Mauritania) (4 stamps of Mauritania, 2000)
cats (2000 Micronesia) (7 stamps of Micronesia, 2000)
cats (2000 Nicaragua) (9 stamps of Nicaragua, 2000)
cats (2000 North Korea) (3 stamps of North Korea, 2000)
cats (2000 Tuvalu) (13 stamps of Tuvalu, 2000)
cats (2001 Cambodia) (7 stamps of Cambodia, 2001)
cats (2001 Central Africa) (6 stamps of Central African Republic, 2001)
cats (2002 Cyprus) (4 stamps of Cyprus, 2002)
cats (2002 Jersey) (7 stamps of Jersey, 2002)
cats (2002 Maldive Islands) (17 stamps of Maldive Islands, 2002)
cats (2002 Mozambique) (7 stamps of Mozambique, 2002)
cats (2003 Micronesia) (5 stamps of Micronesia, 2003)
cats (2003 Netherlands Antilles) (12 stamps of Netherlands Antilles, 2003)
cats (2004 Belarus) (5 stamps of Belarus, 2004)
cats (2004 Germany) (5 stamps of Germany, 2004)
cats (2004 Malta) (5 stamps of Malta, 2004)
cats (2004 Montserrat) (5 stamps of Montserrat, 2004)
cats (2004 New Caledonia) (6 stamps of New Caledonia, 2004)
cats (2005 Antigua) (5 stamps of Antigua, 2005)
cats (2005 Cuba) (6 stamps of Cuba, 2005)
cats (2005 Hungary) (4 stamps of Hungary, 2005)
cats (2006 Finland) (4 stamps of Finland, 2006)
cats (2006 Romania) (6 stamps of Romania, 2006)
cats (2007 Cuba) (7 stamps of Cuba, 2007)
cats (2007 Moldova) (4 stamps of Moldova, 2007)
cats (2007 Peru) (4 stamps of Peru, 2007)
cats (2007 Ukraine) (6 stamps of Ukraine, 2007)
cats (2008) (6 stamps of Ukraine, 2008)
cats (2009 Belarus) (3 stamps of Belarus, 2009)
cats (2009 Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serb administration) (4 stamps of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serb administration, 2009)
cats (2009 Cuba) (5 stamps of Cuba, 2009)
cats (2009 Palau) (12 stamps of Palau, 2009)
cats (2009 Sierra Leone) (8 stamps of Sierra Leone, 2009)
cats (2009 Sweden) (4 stamps of Sweden, 2010)
cats (2010 Antigua) (7 stamps of Antigua, 2010)
cats (2010 North Korea) (4 stamps of North Korea, 2010)
cats (2010 Poland) (6 stamps of Poland, 2010)
cats (2011 Faroe Islands) (2 stamps of Faroe Islands, 2011)
cats (2011 Isle of Man) (6 stamps of Isle of Man, 2011)
cats (2013 China, PRC) (4 stamps of China, PRC, 2013)
cats (2013 Union Island) (4 stamps of Union Island, 2013)
cats and dogs (20 stamps of Burkina Faso, 1999)
cats and dogs (1985) (9 stamps of Guinea, 1985)
cats and dogs (1999 France) (4 stamps of France, 1999)
cats and dogs (1999 Tanzania) (14 stamps of Tanzania, 1999)
cats and dogs (2001 Cuba) (5 stamps of Cuba, 2001)
cats and dogs (2001 Netherlands Antilles) (6 stamps of Netherlands Antilles, 2001)
cats and dogs (2005) (10 stamps of Papua New Guinea, 2005)
cats from around the World (1999) (20 stamps of Tanzania, 1999)
cats of the World 2000 (7 stamps of Turks & Caicos Islands, 2000)
cats of the World 2002 (7 stamps of Palau, 2002)
cats of Vanuatu (4 stamps of Vanuatu, 2010)
dogs and cats (1979) (6 stamps of Philippines, 1979)
dogs and cats (1985) (6 stamps of Madagascar, 1985)
dogs and cats (1986) (6 stamps of Central African Republic, 1986)
dogs and cats (1995) (47 stamps of St. Thomas & Prince Islands, 1995)
dogs and cats (2001) (20 stamps of Togo, 2001)
dogs and cats (2005) (16 stamps of China, ROC, 2005-2006)
Domestic cats (1996) (5 stamps of Russia, 1996)
Domestic cats (2006) (8 stamps of Philippines, 2006)
Malaysian cats (7 stamps of Malaysia, 1999)
paintings of cats (26 stamps of Gambia, 1994)
Pitcairn cats (4 stamps of Pitcairn Islands, 2002)

Felis domestica
Canis familiaris and Felis domestica (2 stamps, Cuba & El Salvador, 2001)
Felis domestica Poland 4/30/1964 6.50z dt=cats (1964)
Felis domesticus
Canis familiaris & Felis domesticus North Korea 4/13/2006 140w issue=BELGICA '06
Canis familiaris and Felis domesticus (20 stamps, Ajman & 3 others, 1972-1994)
Canis familiaris, Felis domesticus (6 stamps of St. Thomas & Prince Islands, 1995)
Felis domesticus (212 stamps, Ajman & 18 others, 1967-2014)
Felis domesticus (1973) (10 stamps of Paraguay, 1973)
Felis domesticus (1974) (4 stamps of Republic of the Congo, 1974)
Felis domesticus (1975) Monaco 11/12/1975 0.80fr issue=125th Anniversary of the loi Grammont
Felis domesticus (1976) (9 stamps of Paraguay, 1976)
Felis domesticus (1977) Surinam 11/23/1977 35+15c issue=Child Welfare 1977
Felis domesticus (1979) (9 stamps of Paraguay, 1979)
Felis domesticus (1983) (5 stamps of North Korea, 1983)
Felis domesticus (1984 Nicaragua) Nicaragua 2/15/1984 7cord dt=cats (1984 Nicaragua)
Felis domesticus (1984 Paraguay) (7 stamps of Paraguay, 1984)
Felis domesticus (1985) (3 stamps of Guinea, 1985)
Felis domesticus (1986) (3 stamps of Mali, 1986)
Felis domesticus (1987) (5 stamps of Paraguay, 1987)
Felis domesticus (1988) Cambodia 3/15/1988 6r issue=Juvalux '88 dt=cats (1988 Cambodia)
Felis domesticus (1989) (5 stamps of Paraguay, 1989)
Felis domesticus (1991) (5 stamps, Mongolia & North Korea, 1991)
Felis domesticus (1992) Cape Verde 7/31/1992 16e dt=Domestic Animals (1992)
Felis domesticus (1993) (26 stamps, Gambia & Sierra Leone, 1993)
Felis domesticus (1994) (20 stamps, St. Helena & 4 others, 1994)
Felis domesticus (1995) (38 stamps, Azerbaijan & 9 others, 1995)
Felis domesticus (1996) (32 stamps, Chad & 3 others, 1996)
Felis domesticus (1997) (58 stamps, Antigua & 11 others, 1997)
Felis domesticus (1998) (68 stamps, Cambodia & 6 others, 1998)
Felis domesticus (1999 Antigua) (20 stamps of Antigua, 1999)
Felis domesticus (1999 Bhutan) (13 stamps of Bhutan, 1999)
Felis domesticus (1999 Burkina Faso) (2 stamps of Burkina Faso, 1999)
Felis domesticus (1999 Guinea) (13 stamps of Guinea, 1999)
Felis domesticus (1999 Indonesia) Indonesia 11/5/1999 500r issue=Domestic Animals
Felis domesticus (1999) (54 stamps, Cambodia & 3 others, 1999)
Felis domesticus (2000 Antigua) (4 stamps of Antigua, 2000)
Felis domesticus (2000 Micronesia) Micronesia 6/26/2000 $2 issue=Cats of 2000 dt=cats (2000 Micronesia)
Felis domesticus (2000 Mozambique) (14 stamps of Mozambique, 2000)
Felis domesticus (2000 Niger) (2 stamps of Niger, 2000)
Felis domesticus (2000 Sierra Leone) (15 stamps of Sierra Leone, 2000)
Felis domesticus (2000) (15 stamps, Barbuda & Grenada, 2000)
Felis domesticus (2001) (36 stamps, Aruba & 6 others, 2001)
Felis domesticus (2002) (3 stamps, Guinea & Palau, 2002)
Felis domesticus (2003) (5 stamps of Micronesia, 2003)
Felis domesticus (2005) (3 stamps, China, ROC & Cuba, 2005)
Felis domesticus and Canis familiaris (8 stamps, Mongolia & North Korea, 1993-1997)
Valeriana sp. and Felis domesticus Djibouti 8/30/1998 120fr
Felis silvestris catus
Abyssinian Felis silvestris catus (7 stamps, Benin & 6 others, 1984-2006)
Black Longhair Felis silvestris catus Cambodia 3/15/1988 2r issue=Juvalux '88 dt=cats (1988 Cambodia)
Blue Exotic Shorthair Felis silvestris catus Jersey 10/12/2002 38p dt=cats (2002 Jersey)
Bombay cat Felis silvestris catus Cambodia 3/30/1999 900r dt=cats (1999 Cambodia)
British Blue Shorthair Felis silvestris catus (2 stamps, Cambodia & Ghana, 1988-1998)
British Silver Tabby Felis silvestris catus (2 stamps, Jersey & Mongolia, 1979-2002)
Burmese Blue Felis silvestris catus Nicaragua 2/15/1984 4cord dt=cats (1984 Nicaragua)
Burmese cat Felis silvestris catus (2 stamps of Ireland, 2014)
Burmese Felis silvestris catus (3 stamps, Bulgaria & 2 others, 1979-2013)
Calico Shorthair Felis silvestris catus Dominica 11/12/1984 15c dt=cats (1984 Dominica)
Chinchilla Felis silvestris catus Nicaragua 2/15/1984 0.50cord dt=cats (1984 Nicaragua)
Cinnamon Longhair Felis silvestris catus Cambodia 3/15/1988 1.50r issue=Juvalux '88 dt=cats (1988 Cambodia)
Domestic Cat Felis silvestris catus (18 stamps, Belgium & 9 others, 1964-2017)
European Domestic Cat Felis silvestris catus (2 stamps of Bulgaria, 1967)
European Tabby Felis silvestris catus Dominica 11/12/1984 10c dt=cats (1984 Dominica)
Exotic Shorthair Felis silvestris catus (2 stamps, Cambodia & Republic of the Congo, 1996-2001)
Himalayan & Abyssinian Felis silvestris catus Marshall Islands 7/5/1995 32c dt=cats (1995 Marshall Islands)
Himalayan Felis silvestris catus Philippines 9/29/2006 7p dt=Domestic cats (2006)
Korat Felis silvestris catus Republic of the Congo 11/30/1999 600fr issue=Cats 1999 b
Maine Coon & Burmese Felis silvestris catus Marshall Islands 7/5/1995 32c dt=cats (1995 Marshall Islands)
Malaysian Cat Felis silvestris catus Malaysia 4/1/1999 30sen dt=Malaysian cats
Persian cat Felis silvestris catus (6 stamps, Poland & 4 others, 1990-2014)
Persian chinchilla Felis silvestris catus Philippines 8/3/1979 5.00p dt=dogs and cats (1979)
Persian Felis silvestris catus (4 stamps, Bulgaria & 3 others, 1967-1999)
Ragdoll Felis silvestris catus (1998) Cambodia 6/8/1998 500r dt=Domestic Cats (1998)
Ragdoll Felis silvestris catus (1999) Cambodia 3/30/1999 200r dt=cats (1999 Cambodia)
Ragdoll Felis silvestris catus (2001) Cambodia 8/25/2001 1000r dt=cats (2001 Cambodia)
Ragdoll Felis silvestris catus (2006) Philippines 9/29/2006 7p dt=Domestic cats (2006)
Red & White British Longhair Felis silvestris catus Cambodia 3/15/1988 0.80r issue=Juvalux '88 dt=cats (1988 Cambodia)
red tabby Felis silvestris catus Nicaragua 2/15/1984 1cord dt=cats (1984 Nicaragua)
Red Tabby Point Colorpoint Longhair Felis silvestris catus (2 stamps of Laos, 1995)
Scottish Fold Tabby Felis silvestris catus North Korea 2/10/2000 2w issue=Animals of the World - Cats
Siamese Seal Point Felis silvestris catus Laos 7/25/1995 50k dt=cats (1995 Laos)
Smoky Persian Felis silvestris catus Mongolia 2/10/1979 80m dt=Domestic Cats (1979)
Snowshoe cat Felis silvestris catus Cambodia 3/30/1999 1000r dt=cats (1999 Cambodia)
Somalian Cat Felis silvestris catus (3 stamps, Cambodia & Poland, 1999-2010)
Tabby Felis silvestris catus Laos 11/9/1983 1k dt=Domestic Cats (1983)
tortoiseshell Felis silvestris catus Laos 11/9/1983 6k dt=Domestic Cats (1983)
Tortoiseshell Longhair Felis silvestris catus Dominica 11/12/1984 60c dt=cats (1984 Dominica)
Tortoiseshell White Shorthair Felis silvestris catus (3 stamps, Laos & Nicaragua, 1984-1995)

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External links:
Wikipedia article