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Calypte costae (synonym of Costa's hummingbird)

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(No stamps with images found)
Name: Calypte costae
Type: bird
Synonym of: Costa's hummingbird

Appearing in designs:
Calypte costae (no stamps)
Calypte costae (2011) Grenada 12/16/2011 $2 issue=Hummingbirds of the Americas
Calypte costae (2013) Union Island 6/3/2013 $3.25 issue=Hummingbirds 2013
Calypte costae (2015) Niger 4/20/2015 825fr issue=Hummingbirds 2015
Calypte costae (2016) Mozambique 7/10/2016 350MT issue=Hummingbirds 2016
Calypte costae (2018) Maldive Islands 10/8/2018 20r issue=Colibri
Calypte costae (2019) St. Thomas & Prince Islands 2/4/2019 124.00db issue=Hummingbirds 2019
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Next syn: Calypte helenae
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