Prev: character Cheeky Mouse
Next: dish Cheese and dill pies


Details | Gallery | Order by name | Oldest first
  • CH028.04.jpg
  • Colnect-963-300-Cheese.jpg
  • Colnect-1666-364--Aring-land-Cheese.jpg
  • Colnect-3457-731-Dairy-man---cheese.jpg
Name: cheese
Type: dish

Appearing in designs:
cheese (2 stamps, Netherlands & Switzerland, 2004-2011)
Dairy man & cheese Ireland 7/16/2015 70c issue=Ireland - The Food Island
Åland cheese Åland Islands 5/6/2013 VARLDEN issue=My Stamps 2013

No synonyms.
Prev dish: Chateau Pajzos Tokaji label
Next dish: Cheese and dill pies

Prev manufacture: Chavin Pottery
Next manufacture: Cheese forms wood carving

Wikipedia article