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Anodorhynchus leari (synonym of Lear's macaw)

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  • Colnect-4700-570-Lear-s-Macaw-Anodorhynchus-leari.jpg
  • Colnect-4412-929-Lear--s-Macaw-Anodorhynchus-leari.jpg
Name: Anodorhynchus leari
Type: parrot
Synonym of: Lear's macaw

Appearing in designs:
Anodorhynchus leari (1998) Tanzania 8/31/1998 410sh issue=Rare Animals from Around the World 1998 b dt=Rare Animals from Around the World 1998 b
Anodorhynchus leari (2016) Niger 12/5/2016 3300Fr issue=Endangered Animals 2016 c
Anodorhynchus leari (2017) (2 stamps of Cuba, 2017)
Anodorhynchus leari (2019) St. Thomas & Prince Islands 12/20/2019 124.00db issue=Rare Birds 2019
Indigo Macaw Anodorhynchus leari Nevis 9/3/2014 $3.25 issue=Macaws 2014

Wikipedia article