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King James I

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  • Colnect-919-818-King-James-I.jpg
  • Colnect-1798-925-James-I.jpg
  • Colnect-4416-779-James-I.jpg
  • Colnect-123-344-King-James-I-and-Bible-Authorised-Version-of-Bible.jpg
  • Colnect-2718-270-James-I-and-Gunpowder-Plot.jpg
  • Colnect-4134-801-James-I-Charles-I-Charles-II-James-II.jpg
  • GB101.10.jpg
  • Colnect-2109-596-James-I-1603-1625.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-407-James-IV-of-Scotland---1567-1625.jpg
Name: King James I
Type: person

Appearing in designs:
King James I & Bible Authorised Version of Bible Great Britain 11/2/1999 26p issue=Millennium Series 11 - The Christians' Tale
King James I (1910) Newfoundland 10/15/1910 1c issue=Guy
King James I (1970) Barbuda 2/16/1970 35c issue=English monarchs
King James I (2000) St. Helena 2/29/2000 30p issue=STAMP SHOW 2000 dt=British monarchs (2000)

James I
James I & Gunpowder Plot St. Vincent Grenadines 10/25/1983 $2.50 issue=British Monarchy
James I (1984) Grenada 1/25/1984 $4 dt=English Monarchs
James I (2010) Great Britain 6/15/2010 1st issue=The House of Stuart
James I Charles I Charles II James II St. Vincent 2/7/1977 25c issue=Silver Jubilee 1977
James VI and I
James VI of Scotland
James VI of Scotland Angola 10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium
Prev person: King Jacob I
Next person: King James II

External links:
Wikipedia article