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  • Colnect-1983-236-Views--Windmill.jpg
  • Colnect-5395-888-Cervantes-Don-Quixote-and-Windmill.jpg
  • Colnect-5214-382-Simmentaler-Cattle-Bos-primigenius-taurus.jpg
  • Colnect-160-688-Landscapes.jpg
  • Colnect-136-173-Airplane-over-windmill-in-St-Andr-auml--Burgenland.jpg
  • Colnect-2192-867-Polder-landscapes.jpg
  • Colnect-1673-237-Pro-children--The-Three-Cornered-Hat-.jpg
  • JP034.02.jpg
  • Colnect-156-387-Copenhagen-fortification-and-windmill.jpg
  • Colnect-128-582-Energy.jpg
  • MT050.07.jpg
  • FR077.04.jpg
  • Colnect-1753-347-Windmill-Pumping-Water-to-Cistern.jpg
  • Colnect-3286-542-Windmills-Illinois-1860.jpg
  • Colnect-3496-611-Windmills-Texas-1890.jpg
  • IN026.04.jpg
  • Colnect-819-045-Windmills-in-the-Netherlands.jpg
  • Colnect-168-061-Windmills-Island-of-Mykonos.jpg
Name: windmill
Type: building
Type list of windmills

Appearing in designs:
Cervantes & Don Quixote & windmill (2 stamps of Ecuador, 1949)
cows & calves & windmill Namibia 4/16/1993 20c issue=Simmentaler cattle in Namibia 100th
farm & windmill Åland Islands 9/16/1985 8.00m issue=1984
plane over windmill Austria 1947 50g issue=1947 air
polder & canals & windmills Netherlands 9/12/1962 6c issue=reclamation
Three-Cornered Hat & windmill Fernando Po 6/10/1960 35c
tulips & windmill Japan 4/25/2002 80y issue=2002 Hokkaido
windmill (18 stamps, Aruba & 7 others, 1929-2014, 4 are ovpts)
windmill & fortress Denmark 4/6/1967 25o issue=Copenhagen 800th
windmill & Sun Ireland 10/4/1979 11p issue=Save Energy
windmill farmhouse & church Qrendi Malta 10/1/2007 0.37€ dt=Maltese Scenery
windmill in the north France 9/20/2004 0.50€ issue=Portraits of Regions
windmill well Botswana 3/30/1979 25t issue=Water Development
windmill, Illinois 1860 United States 2/7/1980 15c dt=windmills (1980)
windmill, Texas 1890 United States 2/7/1980 15c dt=windmills (1980)
windmills & Rajiv Gandhi India 8/20/2004 5r issue=Rajiv Gandhi Renewable Energy Day
windmills in the Netherlands Netherlands 9/22/2005 0,81€ issue=Farm Technology
windmills on Mykonos Greece 9/1/1942 2d issue=1942 dt=scenic (1942 Greece)

Appearing in design types:
windmills (1963) (5 stamps of Netherlands, 1963)
windmills (1971) (6 stamps of Portugal, 1971)
windmills (1980) (5 stamps of United States, 1980)
windmills (1981) (4 stamps of German Democratic Republic, 1981)
windmills (1989) (8 stamps of Portugal, 1989)
windmills (1999) (4 stamps of Lithuania, 1999)
windmills (2001) (3 stamps of Åland Islands, 2001)
windmills (2002) (2 stamps of Azores region, 2002)
windmills (2003) (3 stamps of Malta, 2003)
windmills (2007) (6 stamps of Azores region, 2007)
windmills (2010) (6 stamps of France, 2010)
windmills (2013) (5 stamps of Niger, 2013)
windmills of Ukraine (4 stamps of Ukraine, 2012)

No synonyms.
Prev building: Willis Faber & Dumas Building, Ipswich
Next building: Windscale Reactor

Prev object: wheat field
Next object: Worker's Party of Korea

External links:
Wikipedia article