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Countess of Ségur

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  • Colnect-150-031-Comtesse-de-S%C3%A9gur-1799-1874-french-children-s-author.jpg
  • Colnect-146-685-Comtesse-de-Segur-1799-1874--quot-The-perfect-little-girls-quot-.jpg
Name: Countess of Ségur
Type: person
Dates: 1799 –

Sophie of Segur birth 1799
200th Anniversary of the Birth of Sophie of Segur France 1999
Comtesse of Ségur start 1799
200th birthday of Comtesse of Ségur Monaco 1999

Not in any designs.

Comtesse of Ségur
Sophie of Segur

External links:
Wikipedia article