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Luna 3

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  • Colnect-5572-008-Luna-3.jpg
  • Colnect-2434-156-Luna-3.jpg
  • Colnect-888-648-Lunik-1.jpg
  • Colnect-1249-387-Luna-3.jpg
  • Colnect-1711-487-Sputnik-2---Johannes-Kepler.jpg
  • Colnect-4556-635-15th-Anniversary-Luna-III.jpg
  • Colnect-6331-233-Telecasting-automatic-station--Luna-3--near-moon.jpg
  • Colnect-1498-948-Luna-3.jpg
  • Colnect-628-669-Spacecraft--Luna-3-.jpg
  • Colnect-2024-512-Photo-of-Moon-dark-side--Luna-3--October-4-1959.jpg
  • Colnect-1401-571-Space-exploration-luna-3.jpg
  • Colnect-5591-270-Luna-3-1959.jpg
  • Colnect-3520-088-Luna-3-Oct-4-1959.jpg
  • Colnect-444-199-Luna-3-photographs-of-the-dark-side-of-the-moon.jpg
  • Colnect-3066-184-Lunik-3-photos-far-side-of-the-moon.jpg
  • Colnect-1381-922-Luna-3-photographing-far-side-of-the-Moon.jpg
  • Colnect-1244-709-Space.jpg
  • Colnect-1973-674-Lunik-3.jpg
  • Colnect-2051-082-Lunik-3.jpg
  • Colnect-2925-216-Far-Side-of-the-Moon-and-Lunar-Probe.jpg
  • Colnect-2506-671-Luna-3.jpg
  • Stamp_of_USSR_2415.jpg
  • Colnect-147-993-Satellite--quot-Lunik-III-quot--moon.jpg

Issue but not design:
  • Colnect-898-236-Lunik-3.jpg
  • Colnect-898-325-Lunik-3-with-path-around-moon.jpg
Name: Luna 3
Type: spacecraft

Lunik 3 Mongolia 1959

Appearing in designs:
Luna 3 Tanzania 11/22/1989 20sh issue=20th Anniversary of First Manned Landing on Moon
Luna 3 & Moon Laos 7/12/1984 2k issue=Space Exploration
Luna 3 (1961) North Korea 2/21/1961 10ch issue=Launching of Luna 3
Luna 3 (1964) Mongolia 10/30/1964 5m dt=space research
Luna 3 (1984 Cambodia) Cambodia 3/8/1984 0.80r dt=space exploration (1984)
Luna 3 (1984 Laos) Laos 7/12/1984 2k issue=Space Exploration
Luna 3 (1984 Nicaragua) Nicaragua 4/20/1984 4cord issue=Anniversaries in Space Exploration
Luna 3 (1984 Russia) Russia 10/4/1984 5k issue=25th Anniversary of TV in Space
Luna 3 (1986) Cambodia 4/12/1986 0.40r issue=Manned Space Flight
Luna 3 (1987) Laos 4/12/1987 9k issue=30th Anniversary of Launch of First Artificial Satellite
Luna 3 - October 4, 1959 Russia 6/20/2000 3.00r dt=Russia 20th Century Science
Luna 3 1959 Micronesia 3/15/1999 33c issue=Exploration of the Solar System - Space Achievements of Russia
Luna 3 Oct 4 1959 Antigua 7/27/2016 $4 issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Sergei Korolev
Luna 3 photographs of the dark side of the moon Czechoslovakia 3/6/1961 1.60k dt=space (1961)

Lunik 3
Lunik 3 & Moon Guinea 5/24/1985 20s issue=Space Achievements 1985
Lunik 3 (1960) China, PRC 4/30/1960 10f issue=Russian space flights
Lunik 3 (1962) German Democratic Republic 12/28/1962 50pf dt=Russian space flights
Lunik 3 (1963) Poland 11/11/1963 1z dt=space (1963 Poland)
Lunik 3 photographs far side of the Moon Poland 12/20/1964 60g issue=Space Research 1964 dt=space (1964 Poland)
Lunik 3 trajectory & Lunik 3 Albania 10/31/1963 5l issue=Lunar and Interplanetary Flights
Lunik III
Lunik III & Moon Monaco 3/17/1965 0.18fr issue=100th Anniversary of the ITU
Lunik III (1960) Russia 4/13/1960 40k
Lunik III (1967) Cuba 10/1/1967 2c issue=10th Anniversary of the Launch of Artificial Satellites
Lunik III landing Bulgaria 3/28/1960 1.25l
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Next spacecraft: Luna 4

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External links:
Wikipedia article