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Pseudotropheus zebra

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  • Colnect-5523-488-Zebra-Mbuna-Pseudotropheus-zebra.jpg
  • Colnect-1733-732-Zebra-Mbuna-Pseudotropheus-zebra.jpg
  • Colnect-1448-913-Gold-Kawanga-Pseudotropheus-zebra.jpg
  • Colnect-1734-092-Zebra-Mbuna-Pseudotropheus-zebra.jpg
  • Colnect-1734-777-Zebra-Mbuna-Pseudotropheus-zebra.jpg
  • Colnect-604-522-Zebra-Mbuna-Pseudotropheus-zebra.jpg
  • Colnect-2625-061-Elongate-Mbuna-Pseudotropheus-elongatus.jpg
  • Colnect-1625-405-Cichlid-Pseudotropheus-zebra.jpg
Name: Pseudotropheus zebra
Type: fish

Appearing in designs:
Pseudotropheus zebra (1967) Malawi 5/3/1967 1sh6p dt=fishes (1967 Malawi)
Pseudotropheus zebra (1977) Malawi 10/4/1977 20t dt=fishes (1977 Malawi)
Pseudotropheus zebra (1984) (3 stamps of Malawi, 1984)
Pseudotropheus zebra (1987) Hungary 1/15/1987 2Ft dt=fishes (1987 Hungary)
Pseudotropheus zebra (1994) Malawi 3/21/1994 2k dt=fishes of Lake Malawi
Pseudotropheus zebra (1998) Afghanistan 8/5/1998 1200af dt=fishes (1998 Afghanistan)
Pseudotropheus zebra (2001) Central African Republic 7/12/2001 350fr issue=Animals from Around the World 2001 dt=animals from Around the World (2001)

No synonyms.

Wikipedia article