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arms of San Marino

Details | Gallery | Order by name | Oldest first
  • Colnect-492-840-Definitive-1877-1890.jpg
  • Colnect-500-864-Coat-of-Arm.jpg
  • Colnect-506-893-Coat-of-Arm.jpg
  • Colnect-501-716-Red-Cross.jpg
  • Colnect-188-333-Taxe---new-design-1945.jpg
  • Colnect-168-326-Coats-of-Arms---definitive-1945.jpg
  • Colnect-171-740-Coat-of-Arms-of-San-Marino.jpg
  • SM069.03.jpg
  • Colnect-1233-103-Arms-of-San-Marino.jpg
  • Colnect-1685-494-San-Marino.jpg
Name: arms of San Marino
Type: arms

Appearing in designs:
arms of San Marino & buildings of San Marino San Marino 9/18/1992 1000l issue=Admission to the UN
arms of San Marino & crossbow San Marino 7/18/1974 50l issue=Crossbow Tournament & City Arms
arms of San Marino (1877) (26 stamps of San Marino, 1877-1899, 4 are ovpts)
arms of San Marino (1907 a) San Marino 1907 1c
arms of San Marino (1907 b) (2 stamps of San Marino, 1907-1918, 1 is ovpt)
arms of San Marino (1923) (6 stamps of San Marino, 1923)
arms of San Marino (1945 due) (16 stamps of San Marino, 1945)
arms of San Marino (1945) (4 stamps of San Marino, 1945-1946, 1 is ovpt)
arms of San Marino (1968) San Marino 3/14/1968 2l dt=arms (1968 San Marino)
arms of San Marino (2003) San Marino 10/24/2003 0,41€ issue=Christmas 2003 dt=Christmas traditions

No synonyms.
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